We planned to make sushi but we don't have the ingredients at both of Kristal's and my house. That's why before we started our things, we bought the ingredients at Bogor Junction which located near form Kristal's house (from Kristal's house it took ± 20 minutes using public transportation and if you wore your own transportation it would takes 10-15minutes to reach there). Today at least more than 3 persons who supposed to attend at Kristal's house.
But they couldn't make it. The reason are :
- The First person who can't make it was Febby. She was on her holiday with her families at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. From all of us, a person who always spend their holiday by going to countryside is only one and it was Febby. We were really envy of her and . . . in the afternoon after finished making the sushi, I messaged her, "When we could meet on this holiday?" And she replied, "Perhaps next week". Then, for the souvenirs (okay, for this part, Kristal and Me . . .) loves to order 'Monggo Chocolate Bar'. The taste is really GOOD~ *almost very very good. Talked about the souvenir it was a joke firstly, but she asked us, "What kind of souvenirs that you wanted?" -dan nggak lama setelah kita reply sms dari Febby, dengan polosnya dia bilang, "Aku nggak pake tour guide, jadi nggak tau. Dimana ya tempat belinya?" terus berhubung HP gua lagi di tangan si empunya rumah a.k.a Kristal, jadi gua bilang "Di Circle K juga ada. Soalnya bulan Juni kemarin aku belinya di Circle K." Seru banget punya temen seperti Febby.
- The Second person who can't make it was Aisyah a.k.a Icha. She sent me a message on the early morning and said that she should helped her mom to take the plants to the florist. So, only Kristal and Me who made sushi for US and also for Kristal's brother called Rumi.
Okay, today we use Mayonnaise as our sushi dressing. Tasty? VERY!
I loves to cook and also to eat it.
These things which in the plate called Crabstick and Salmon meatball.
Do I more look like a real culprit there? hahaa~
Fiola~ and it's the result ! Looked tasty isn't it? *or not at all
Dan hari ini gua belajar banyak dari Kristal.
"tidak MUDAH untuk mejadi seorang kakak yang baik," mungkin itu hal yang masih gua inget sampai sekarang kalau mengingat-ingat kejadian tadi siang. Rumi, adik lelakinya Kristal semata wayang itu sangat 'banyak bertanya'. Sampai mungkin Kristal cape kali ya. Ngebayaing Kristal menjawab berbagai macam pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang kadang ada beberapa phrase yang gua aja nggak tau, dan anak kecil itu tau. Sedih banget gua. Ternyata vocab gua itu sedikit banget. Tapi yang gua suka dari Rumi adalah alis matanya yang lentik dan pipinya yang gembil. Bener deh! Bawaannya pengen nyubit pipinya mulu. Terus gua bingung adalah, dia selalu menjawab pertanyaan dengan singkat "Oh, atuh." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHH! kalimat "oh atuh" itu loh yang bikin gua getek. Abis nih ya, kebanyakan orang sekrang ngejawab dengan kata "oh atuh" meskipun kita lagi ngomong serius dan itu yang membuat gua sebel banget sama kata oh atuh. hmmm~
Have a nice day!
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