
December 29, 2011

Making Sushi

Today I learn about lots of thing at Kristal's house.
We planned to make sushi but we don't have the ingredients at both of Kristal's and my house. That's why before we started our things, we bought the ingredients at Bogor Junction which located near form Kristal's house (from Kristal's house it took ± 20 minutes using public transportation and if you wore your own transportation it would takes 10-15minutes to reach there). Today at least more than 3 persons who supposed to attend at Kristal's house.
But they couldn't make it. The reason are :
  1. The First person who can't make it was Febby. She was on her holiday with her families at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. From all of us, a person who always spend their holiday by going to countryside is only one and it was Febby. We were really envy of her and . . . in the afternoon after finished making the sushi, I messaged her, "When we could meet on this holiday?" And she replied, "Perhaps next week". Then, for the souvenirs (okay, for this part, Kristal and Me . . .) loves to order 'Monggo Chocolate Bar'. The taste is really GOOD~ *almost very very good. Talked about the souvenir it was a joke firstly, but she asked us, "What kind of souvenirs that you wanted?" -dan nggak lama setelah kita reply sms dari Febby, dengan polosnya dia bilang, "Aku nggak pake tour guide, jadi nggak tau. Dimana ya tempat belinya?" terus berhubung HP gua lagi di tangan si empunya rumah a.k.a Kristal, jadi gua bilang "Di Circle K juga ada. Soalnya bulan Juni kemarin aku belinya di Circle K." Seru banget punya temen seperti Febby.
  2. The Second person who can't make it was Aisyah a.k.a Icha. She sent me a message on the early morning and said that she should helped her mom to take the plants to the florist. So, only Kristal and Me who made sushi for US and also for Kristal's brother called Rumi.
Here some pictures which Kristal and Rumi takes on the time when we made it :

Okay, today we use Mayonnaise as our sushi dressing. Tasty? VERY!

I loves to cook and also to eat it.
These things which in the plate called Crabstick and Salmon meatball.

Do I more look like a real culprit there? hahaa~

Fiola~ and it's the result ! Looked tasty isn't it? *or not at all

Dan hari ini gua belajar banyak dari Kristal.
"tidak MUDAH untuk mejadi seorang kakak yang baik," mungkin itu hal yang masih gua inget sampai sekarang kalau mengingat-ingat kejadian tadi siang. Rumi, adik lelakinya Kristal semata wayang itu sangat 'banyak bertanya'. Sampai mungkin Kristal cape kali ya. Ngebayaing Kristal menjawab berbagai macam pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang kadang ada beberapa phrase yang gua aja nggak tau, dan anak kecil itu tau. Sedih banget gua. Ternyata vocab gua itu sedikit banget. Tapi yang gua suka dari Rumi adalah alis matanya yang lentik dan pipinya yang gembil. Bener deh! Bawaannya pengen nyubit pipinya mulu. Terus gua bingung adalah, dia selalu menjawab pertanyaan dengan singkat "Oh, atuh." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHH! kalimat "oh atuh" itu loh yang bikin gua getek. Abis nih ya, kebanyakan orang sekrang ngejawab dengan kata "oh atuh" meskipun kita lagi ngomong serius dan itu yang membuat gua sebel banget sama kata oh atuh. hmmm~

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 28, 2011

ini apa?

Ok, menurut gua, liburan kali ini nggak menyenangkan banget.
Disatu sisi, orang tua gua beserta para tetua di keluarga gua ngebet banget pengen ngebawa gua liburan ke Jogya atau ke Bandung. Secara, gua yang notabennya bentar lagi udah jadi seorang Mahasiswi (Amin Ya Rabbalallamin) butuh beberapa referensi untuk memilih universitas mana yang mau gua huni. Anehnya, gua bersikeras untuk tidak ikut bersama mereka selama liburan gua ini. Tapi, Ayah gua maksa banget buat gua untuk ikut. Tapi, kalau hati nggak suka, mau diapain lagi?! Akhirnya, gua memutuskan untuk menghabiskan liburan gua ini dengan berdiam diri di wilayah gua saja dan tidak berminat- berniat untuk pergi ke luar kota. HA-HA.

December 24, 2011


Okay, today is the day for report books are given.
But . . . I'm not satisfied at all.
And the result was really bad. Bad enough for me who studied for 3 years in Senior High School.
It was like an Indonesian phrase : "Bagai dientakkan alu luncung" that was my true feelings right now (since the early morning when the times of report book was given). Most of peoples who I didn't predict about their rank, the could possibly right on the top of me in the rank in class. I hate it really.

On the deepest of my heart, I asked myself about doing cheating while the exams held.
But I couldn't. Its similar with exercises time than exams time.
And . . . whether I need to cheat on the exam? It was the first question on my head which came out suddenly when I got my report on my hands.

And for the sentence : "So far, so good~" I don't get it now.
Bener deh, gua hari ini kecewa banget sama diri gua sendiri.
Not included on the TOP 10 in the rank was nothing for my families. Nothing that I could proud of and I was really disappointed to myself. My mother told me not too close to many friends that I have and don't be too kind to them. Because you would regret it someday. -kalimat yang satu ini nih yang ngena di otak gua pagi ini waktu makan ketoprak deket sekolah. Mumbling in my way to Supermarket, I set on my face kept sullen, and my aura was totally worse.

Dan berkat peringkat gua yang sama sekali tidak memuaskan batin orang tua gua, gua nggak bersifat pesimis dalam hal ini. It is true if I mad to myself. Tapi gua akan membuktikan bahwa gua bisa! Bisa bersekolah di Universitas yang gua mau. Itu tujuan gua kali ini. The rank was not a thing which I concerned for today, but I need a miracle just once which came into my life someday.

December 23, 2011

Thank GOD it's Friday

Okay, the song titled T.G.I Friday sang by Ran band which came from Indonesia was totally fit as the back sound of my day. Hhaha . . it comes suddenly when I thought about my day. I loves Friday no matter what! *excessive. Okay, I really realized that my English has getting worst back then. I really needs to make my English better than today. How is it? I think I should fulfilled my school holiday and new year eve holiday by learning about English once more with my auntie.

I think it everyday and every minutes that I have passed through about my true feelings and my problems which I should faced. And also I should make a birthday present for my friend (we're close, but not as close as my elementary school's friend with me). This ideas came immediately after I done by day dreaming inside my room. When I did day dreaming inside my room, I could possible dreaming about everything and about anything. Then, before it, I would like to turn the lights off for a while and my imagination starts to did it. hahaha

Today, I didn't do anything much to fill my day.
I only make the birthday present for my friend and . . what kind of outfit which I will wear to her house. And. . . how much money that I have spent for this things and also .  .  . I money has flew away from my wallet since Monday. It caused by one thing : SCHOOL.

And I drew something in the morning. Here's the picture :

# Now Playing : Last Fantasy - IU

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 04, 2011


Okay, today I visit University of Indonesia with my closest friends (just call them : Kristal and Febby). We're in the different schools but we're still connected with cellular (read : messages). We went there at 7.15am using a train and sat in the woman corridor (it means, the corridor is only for a woman and their babies -no boys) but there still a corridor which the chair was combining between womans and boys. The prices of ticket is IDR 7.000 -quite cheap isn't it?

Ah! About the entrance ticket, my friend (call her Kristal) already bought it a weeks ago using internet, but we must print it as our ticket. Because they didn't send any kind of tickets to our house, that's why we must printed it as our entrance sign. And also we must brought our identity card inside our wallet! The purpose is to convince them that the ticket which we hold is ours. Oh ya! I'm almost forgot! The ticket price is IDR 25.000 for Sunday only and IDR 30.000 for Saturday and Sunday.

Di Kereta, gua, is sama febby duduk di gerbong khusus wanita. Sepi . . banget! *pas pagi
Terus kalau berhenti di setiap stasiun, orang-orang pada berebut tempat duduk! Ini merupakan fenomena yang jarang banget gua temui. Tapi mungkin buat temen-temen sekolah gua, ini udah biasa. Berebut tempat duduk itu serasa lagi bermain tau nggak sih?! (bagi yang sadar apa yang gua maksud). Gua, bingung banget mau ngapain didalem kereta. Secara, Kristal dan Febby prepare banget buat ulangan besok. Nah gua?! Gua mah diem . . ,aja. I only seeing the views outside the trains when Kristal and Febby were studied. Tuh kan!? Gimana gua mau jadi murid yang pinter?! Diem aja gua kayak patung. Berhubung gua nggak pernah naik Kereta lagi semenjak 2 tahun terakhir ini, dan nggak pernah ke UI- Depok semenjak 10 tahun terakhir, akhirnya Febby yang jadi 'tour guide' gua sama is. Ternyata, Kampus UI deket banget sama Rel Kereta Api yang di Pocin (Pondok Cina). Tinggal jalan kaki sebentar aja, udah nyampe. Gua sama Kristal sampai terkagum-kagum karena keahlian Febby menemukan Kampus UI untuk kami (?! -apasih)

Nyampe Kampus UI, gua , is sama febby langsung ke Gedung Utamanya a.k.a Balairung UI.
Udah rameeeeee, aja. Terus gua ngeliat temen gua dari kejauhan dan berkata, "Oh, ternyata temen sekolah gua juga ada dan udah pada nyampe toh dari tadi~" Terus kita dapet Faculty Map gitu di bagian registrasi. Lucu banget deh!

This is the faculty maps that I talked about.
Their motto for this event is "SHOOT YOUR AIM!"

In there, I saw my big brother's old friend called Agung Pamungkas. He as the one of guest star (maybe). He's voice was GREAT! I don't know firstly, but when I saw his face deeply (?) I realized that he's the one of big brother's friend. Actually, he's my neighbor school's friend. But my neighbor introduced him to my big brother and another friends who lived in my house areas. And not long after it, I my neighbor introduced him to me. That's the stories behind our first meeting in long-long-long time ago. I knew that maybe he wasn't recognize me at all. After he sang 3kinds of songs, it continued with Question and Answer session with The Rector of University of Indonesia lively and some collegers. Here the photos that I promised to share it to you :

This scene when Agung sang 3 songs non-stop.
His voice is really . . .~ - I can't describe it with a words.

It's the Questions and Answers session

Promptly at 10am, all of booths which made inside the Balairung opened.
All of faculty they served to us as the prospective of new college students. Every booths has their own characteristic and theme exactly. For examples :
  • For The English Faculty, there was a woman who wore dress like a princess and also they put the Liberty Sculpture inside their booth.
  • For The Architect Faculty, they served some mock-up inside their booth and a pillar of Hercules. Did you know? I love their booth! yuhu~
These are some pictures that I took on the Architect booths :
There was a head from one of University's student. Accidentally, when he passed right in front of me, I was taking a picture from those booth.  He passed me by saying : "Sorry. . ."

Here's their mock-ups. Its only a few of mock-ups that they showed this afternoon.

These is the one of my favorite mock-ups which showed there.

*because tomorrow is the day of The 1st Semester Test, I must back to the place that I should be there rightly = Studying for tomorrow. The subject which tested are Indonesian, Religion, and Computer.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 03, 2011

December oh December

Sumpah! Nggak banget deh ini hari! Baru juga kemarin gua berharap bahwa hari-hari gua pada bulan Desember bakalan menjadi hari-hari yang berarti dan berguna untuk hidup gua! Lah tapi?! Hari ini aja gua udah nggak les (lagi! dan mungkin udah yang ke 3 kalinya). Dan kalian mesti tau, hari ini yang jadi tumbal ditempat les itu : Yossi, Rizki, sama Putik. Waaah . . benar-benar zedikit. Kasihan mereka. Tapi . . .~ yaa . . ,gimana ya. Emang kemarin tuh males banget! *please ta, don't do it again.

Kemarin itu, gua memutuskan untuk pergi ke rumah nenek gua seperti biasa.
Berhubung les masih lama (ini waktu dimana gua belum memutuskan untuk tidak pergi les -11.30am) jadi gua ngadem seperti biasa dirumah nenek gua. Lumayan, bisa makan, tidur, ditambah lagi nonton TV pula! Gimana nggak enak?! Hohoho~

Hari ini, gua nemuin setumpuk foto jaman dulu dari SMANSA Bogor.
Secara, tante gua yang merupakan adik Ibu gua yang ke-3 adalah Sarjana Lulusan SMANSA pula. Menurut keterangannya, tante gua itu merupakan salah seorang yang cukup populer dikalangan temen-temen sekolahnya. Mau liat ga, buku tahunan jaman tante gua? haha, yu~

Yang disebelah kiri, itu tuh kesan-pesan mereka bareng kelas Fisik III waktu di Yogyakarta. Sedangkan yang sebelah kanan, itu foto seru-seruan mereka waktu lagi bersama. So Sweet banget ya anak SMANSA jaman dulu. haha -konyol~

Sekedar informasi :
Buku Tahunan yang dimiliki sama tante gua ini merupakan hasil 'pure handmade' temen kelasnnya (sebenernya lebih baik jika di ibaratkan seperti team work). Tapi, yang bikin gua  kasihan adalah orang yang nulis tentang mereka semua di buku tahunan milik tante gua ini yang berjudul : *nanti gua posting ya. lupa nih editornya. haha

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

November 23, 2011

Last day of TO

Today is the last day of Try Out that I followed at schools.
Okay, I needs a rest now and for a several days ahead *I hope so, but I can't.
I think . . . I could pass this test well. But I don't know for the result is. I hope I get my best scores. Amin . . . And today when the physics test was held, mostly the answer which I answered on the sheet was using my feelings. Not using the right formulas. hahhaa~ Because I think the questions is a bit difficult. hehe *But when I calculated it using the right formulas, I could find the answer. So . . it seems like a blessing for me. I hope my choice was right.

Friends, several days ago I start to watch a movie again after a months I break these routine.
I'd like to watch Japanese movies, because the I like Japan! (not all of Japan, but mostly -YES)
And the one of movies which I recommended is Nazotoki wa Dinner no ato de.
Like what I told you before, I like to watch a detective, horror, thriller and mystery movies.
It just like a . . . . another side of my activity besides school and go to course.
And these are several pictures which I took yesterday :

See? Why I like to watch this movie was because of the movie's opening is like a comic.
And the lead actor and actress was cute to play as their characters.

This scenes where Hosho Reiko was listening Kageyama's resolution about how does the crime could happen and who's the doer exactly. I like these scene because Kagayama always say that he will reveal the real doer after the dinner times offer.

These 2 pictures up is the re-construction when Kageyama was trying to reveal the criminal *using comic too, that why I like to watch Japanese movies and dramas.

And the last one is the preview of the last episodes on this serial drama.
try to watch it? just click here

Okay, I knew that the Try Out was offer, but I can't stop studying anything around me.
I should upgrade my memorize brains too. hehehe~
SO, the point is I recommended this drama to you guys, so don't forget to watch it to filled up your break time. byeeee  . . . . 

Hari ini waktu gua lagi di tempat les, dan sesuai dugaan gua bahwa pelajaran yang akan dibahas hari ini adalah BIP (sejenis bimbingan konseling gitu) sama Biologi. Aduh . . . .~ Ini dia! Gua butuh sedikit relaksasi setelah seharian didampingi oleh soal-soal yang dengan seketika membuat kepala kalian pusing, mendadak mual dan kejang-kejang (?) SERIUS! memang soalnya 'sedikit' susah *soalnya gua masih bisa jawab cuy!? jadi kata sedikit disitu mengungakpan bagian gelap dari sisi jawaban yang gua pilih.

And in the evening (when the course time still running), the concealing was talk about L-O-V-E.
And most of my friends hoped that I got the question about love, but I don't!
hahhaha - I'm safe. They're really wanted to know about my love story. Because I haven't tell them about my love story except my best friend, Kristal.

# Now Playing : Happy! - mocca

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

November 19, 2011


Okay, My English is getting worst everyday. It's true! I can feel it.
I've been not touching my Blog using English, ya?!
Perhaps for today I can use it well. kikik

First, I want to tell you about The English Speech Contest. aaaaa~
I really was angry in the deepest of my heart. But I'm not show it in front of my friends. What my friends knew is actually I was following the Speech Contest that day. In the fact (?!), is not! I kept doing my routinity by going to the COURSE every Monday - Wednesday - Friday. Moreover I was memorized all of the words inside my speech in a night! It's incredible isn't it? *because most of Indonesian peoples hate English especially memorizing a speech. So I just kept mumbling all day long (in the course too).

What I want to share here to you are Indonesian's Bad Habit which was be a part of our life and we can't remove it away (till today). Mmmmm . . . maybe for this one I'll use Indonesian to explain my opinion.

  • Throwing away the garbage anywhere especially on the public transportation.
         Nah, masalah ini yang memang rasanya sudah nggak bisa diubah dalam pola fikir orang Indonesia. Entah karena emang nggak tau yang namanya tempat sampah, atau karena nggak ngerti gua juga alasan mereka, yang pasti gua 'dulu' merupakan salah seorang bagian dari mereka. But now, I was tried to not throwing away my garbage anywhere because it would bring many impact which we won't feel it right now, but several years later or soon. Pernah nih ya, suatu hari dimana gua baru aja pulang les, gua nggak sengaja seangkot dengan seorang anak SMP yang pastinya di sekolah sudah diajarkan tentang lingkungan hidup a.k.a PLH. Hari itu tuh hujan turun dengan cukup lebatnya. Gua akui memang dengan cuaca yang cukup dingin, paling enak makan yang panas-anget gimanaaa . . . ,gitu (baca = GORENGAN). Si anak ini makan gorengan yang biasa gua beli, yaitu pisang molen mini dan onde-onde mini. Wanginya (?!) HARUM banget . . .dan pas detik itu juga gua jadi ngerasa laper serta berasumsi bahwa memang enak makan itu gorengan. Setelah gua pandangi anak itu memakan seluruh gorengan mini miliknya, tiba-tiba! dia langsung membuang bungkusan gorengan itu kedalam kursi angkot. Berhubung gua sedikit geram melihat kelakuan anak ini, dan untungnya anak ini turun sebelum gua turun (Thanks Allah), dengan sembunyi-sembunyi gua pungut itu kertas gorengan dan gua bawa pulang ke rumah (harap dimengerti bahwa gua bukan seorang klepto yang dengan gamblangnya mengambil barang yang bukan miliknya -?!). Nyampe rumah, gua masukin deh sampah yang dibuang anak SMP itu ke tempat sampah tepat punya tetangga gua. hehe. Kalian bisa menyimpulkan apa yang gua maksud, kan? ---> Please be more care to the environment around you, because if we lost them, we couldn't live like now.
  • being a RUBBER TIME
         Waaah . . . give up banget deh gua sama sifat orang Indonesia yang satu ini. Memang gua sadari bahwa tidak semua orang Indonesia got a nickname as a master of rubber time. Tapi kebanyakan orang yang deket sama gua sih sering banget ngelakuin kegiatan yang sebenarnya ngerugiin kedua pihak (gua dan dia). Kok bisa? (siapa tau ada yang nyeletuk mengeluarkan berbagai jenis pertanyaan dari dalam mulutnya, dan gua akan menjawab dengan . . .) soalnya, disatu pihak berarti dia udah membuat lu nunggu lama (5 menit itu, lama) sampe lu berubah wujud menjadi manusia lumut yang segera dibawa ke R.S terdekat untuk di fisum (?). Apa lagi, orang Indonesia itu males banget buat menunggu orang lama-lama (5 menit aja sudah dianggap lama, gimana 1 jam?! -untuk yang satu ini, gua pernah merasakannya, bahkan sering). Alasan kedua gua adalah kalau kegiatan 'ngaret' ini terus kalian lakukan sampai nanti, takutnya ngaret itu bisa jadi salah satu kebiasaan kalian yang tanpa kalian sadari, kalian sering banget melakukannya. Untuk beberapa hal, gua juga pernah melakukan ini. Tapi gua mulai mengintrospeksi diri gua sendiri bahwa telat untuk bertemu seseorang itu, kelakuan buruk yang mestinya dari dulu udah dua buang begitu aja. Berhubung gua juga tergolong orang yang bakalan teriak-teriak kalau udah telat ke suatu acara, maka gua memutuskan untuk berangkat lebih awal daripada temen-temen gua. Soalnya, yaaaa . . . karena itu tadi. Gua nggak mau jadi orang yang suka mengulur-ngulur waktu. Nggak baik friends!

The point for my opinion is . . .
I just want to share which I thought it was a bad habit for most of Indonesian peoples and we must REMOVE it soon or even now. Gua nggak punya maksud buat menjatuhkan martabat negara yang gua pinjak ini, tapi sadar nggak sih kalau perbuatan yang gua sebutin itu memang benar adanya.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

November 14, 2011

English Contest

Okay, it's really really an English Contest which held in my schools and for the participants, every class sent their best peoples as their representative for this competition. And I'm as the one of the representative for this competition. Mmmm. . . maybe for today I'll post this Blog using Indonesian, ya~

Sumpah! Kejadian ini yang nggak bikin gua ngerti sampai saat ini.
Peristiwa ini menimpa gua ketika gua hendak menghadiri technical meeting speech contest ini.
Jelas-jelas gua udah kelas XII, dan pastilah bisa kali ya, adik kelas ngebedain muka anak kelas XII sampai X. Dan asal kalian tau, technical meeting ini jelas-jelas diadain buat kelas X sampai dengan kelas XII, tapi yang hadir saat itu adalah muka-muka tak berdosa bagaikan bayi yang baru lahir sampai-sampai gua nggak tau mereka anak kelas berapa. Berhubung gua dan temen gua baru masuk pada saat tech meet ini udah mau selesai, alhasil di 'empunya' rapat manggil gua buat nentuin nomor peserta. Kalian mesti tau apa yang si 'empunya' rapat katakan ke gua :
" Kelas X berapa? "
" Hah? Kelas X?! Kelas XII IPA 2. "
" Ooo . . ,kelas XII ya. " -si 'empunya' rapat sambil nunduk malu
" Minta maaf lu! " - terdengar suara dari barisan belakang
" Maaf ya Kak. "
" Ooo . . .iya."

Dari percakapan diatas, kalian tau apa yang bisa gua simpulkan seketika itu?!
Kesimpulan gua terdiri dari beberapa macam yang diantaranya :
  • Pertama! Gua ngerasa apa muka gua yang terlihat 2 tahun lebih muda (?!) atau, 
  • Kedua! Karena ketidakeksisan gua di ruang lingkup sekolah. Nah~ menurut gua, gua masuk ke golongan ini nih! Soalnya, gua ngerasa gua itu kurang eksis dibanding orang-orang yang beranggotakan wanita cantik bak bidadari yang baru turun dari angkot (?) maklum aja, gua kurang mengeksiskan keberadaan gua di sekolah. Jadi gua termasuk orang yang biasa-biasa aja. Cukup banyak kok yang kenal gua. Sayangnya gua nggak ikut Organisasi yang bikin nama gua bisa melambung tinggi. Jadi enak (??)

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    November 12, 2011

    mmmm . . .

    Today, I'll posting about my day using Indonesian, ya . . ~
    Mmmm. . .this afternoon I went to Bogor Botani Square to reaches Gramedia Bookstore because I wanted to buy a new novel. It's not a romance novel [because I didn't like a romance genre] but it's an adventure novel. [Maybe] properly it should called a . . children novel. I love the plots of children's novel. I don't know.

    Okay this afternoon, I'm not decided to watch any movie yet. But, when I reached the cinema, I really wanted to watch the movie. hahaha. I waited for "The Adventures of Tintin". When I see the schedule of movies which play today on the TV [at Cinema], there was Tintin on it. And that's why I'd like to watch it [accidentally]. I don't know really that I loved to watch a detective or an adventure genre. aaah. . . ~ sometimes I want to be a detective too or have a boyfriend which had a secret jobs as detective or spy. It sounds great. hahaha

    And . . I met Novi with my elementary schools friend, called Bathriq.
    Aaaaah . . . ~ I really missed you, Novi!
    Long time to see, ya~

    Before I study for tomorrow [the National Try Out of University], I make a new set on Polyvore. Wanna see it? hehehe, here :

    Okay, back to the topic!
    Today I watch The Adventures of TINTIN, right?
    And here's my cinema's TICKET :

    The price of each ticket which sold in every Saturday - Sunday and Holiday is IDR 35.000 for Regular and IDR 50.000 for 3D. Actually I really wanted to watch the 3D of it. But . . . unfortunately, there's no TINTIN 3D in this cinema [but usually this cinema showed 3D movies]

    Asal kalian tau aja!
    Gua itu duduk sendirian dan paling pojok pula! *menyedihkan jadi seperti gua
    Setelah ada pemberitahuan bahwa Studio 2 udah siap dihuni oleh para calon penonton selanjutnya, ya akhirnya gua nyelonong aja masuk. Secara, tiket dan pop corn udah ditangan, gitu. Selang 5 menit gua duduk di tempat pojok itu, gua menunggu [sambil mengamati setiap gerak-gerik orang yang hilir-mudik berlalu lalang dihadapan gua dan . . .] banyak orang yang akan duduk bersebelahan dengan gua (karena >1 maka, gua bilang banyak). Pertama, sebuah keluarga lengkap dengan makanan dikedua tangan anak-anaknya duduk tepat diujung deretan kursi gua. Setelah 10 menit film mulai, gua mulai ngerasa curiga! Mengapa penghuni bangku sebelah gua belum hadir-hadir juga. Yaaa . . ,gua masih still yakin bahwa yang bakalan duduk disamping gua itu adalah sebuah keluarga bahagia dengan seorang anak kecil yang manis.

    Ternyata! Dari kejauhan [arah pintu masuk sih lebih tepatnya] ada 3 orang anak kecil yang jalan dengan tergesa-gesa menuju arah tempat duduk gua! Yaaa. . ,kali ini dugaan gua meleset! Ternyata 3 orang anak kecil itu yang jadi penghuni tempat duduk sebelah gua. Gua fikir, ini anak kok berani banget nonton cuma bertiga tanpa didampingi orang dewasa [?!]. 40 menit film TINTIN berlangsung, ada mas-mas nganterin makanan ke 3 bocah yang duduk disamping gua! Dan kalian mesti tau mereka beli apa?! Beli . . . apa ya!? Chicken Wings gitu! Gila! Gua aja, yang udah jadi murid SMA dan akan beranjak lulus, paling mahal aja gua beli pop corn caramel yang medium. Menurut gua itu udah 'wah' abis. Gimana gua makan chicken wings?! [jadi kenyang pastinya] Wanginya itu loh! Jadi ngiler! Sumpah gua pengen abis! Seandainya gua nggak tau malu, gua pengen banget ngambil makanan mereka kayak orang nyolong balon dari anak kecil. Semenjak itu gua bertekat, buat nonton selanjutnya gua akan beli chicken wings sebagai hot snacks gua. iyeeeey! *apa banget

    Ditambah lagi, waktu salah satu Ibu dari anak itu menelepon, si anak malah nanya : "Ma, aku mau nonton sekali lagi ya. Jadi pulang malem." what the hell??? Kalau gua nonton 'lagi' setelah beres nonton TINTIN, gua  pasti nggak bisa pulang ke rumah.

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 27, 2011

    Big Brother's Graduation

    Now you already graduated from your university.
    My Big Brother enrolled at Gunadarma University which is the TOP 10 University in Indonesia [Big 5 of University in Indonesia] He got a degree of . . . [I'm forget about the degree. I'll search it soon].  The Located of graduation is on our capital city, that's Jakarta. Specifically in JCC [Jakarta Convention Center]. It means I'm not going to school for today only. Hahaha~

    We went to JCC at 9am from home because one of my big brother's friend wants to joined us.
    He said he would met us in the Sentul.
    And here some pictures which I took this morning on toll road :

    The reason why I took this photo is cause I like seeing the electrical tower and some flowers as a decoration in these road [weird flowers -because I don't know the names of those flowers]

    Ah! About this bridge reminds me to Japan. My lovely country [even I'm not living there now, but soon -YES I'LL. Amen . . .]

    No comment for this picture. I just feel bored in that time.

    I took this picture because I like those trees and the tall buildings. LOVE IT!

    Hahaha . . .about this sculpture, it called Welcome Statue. It placed in Pancoran - Jakarta, Indonesia

    It's the situation inside the courtroom and those are the graduates.
    This is the second session for today. And my Big Brother got this 2nd sessions.

    Ummm . . . you can see it right? haha~

    left-right : Me, Grandfather, Big Brother, and Mom
    where is Dad? Dad is the one whose taking this picture.

    Big Brother and Me as well.
    Actually I had lots of picture but I'll post it soon. Just wait ya!!!

    And for this pictures, this is the sky looked like in the evening [almost].
    I took it when I walked in the parking area to reaches our car. Long way . . . ~

    Okay friends, maybe we should end here and enough for today.
    Because I was felt sleepy and now the time really was late, and tomorrow I should go to school like usual too, and . . .  GOSH! I still have an art assignment! Making a papers! aaaaa . . .~
    Good Night and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 26, 2011

    Pocari Sweat Factory

    Today . . I was HAPPY!
    But in the deepest my heart it was the opposite. I really was feel bad. Even though I did a mini study tour to Pocari Sweat Factory. Because these evening is filled with windy rains, I'll cancel to posting anything first. The My mom was reminding me about these one. so . . ,byeee. - 3.43pm

    *   *   *

    Okay, rains was offer and now I can continuing my daily activities such as posting in my Blog. I love this jobs! But I don't have any motive to be a writer one day. I just like to write anything on my Blog and make a short novel [maybe it's not properly to called as a novel] haha~

    Tomorrow I'll not going to school because I'll attending on my Big Brother's collage graduation. Finally, the times was come. hohoho~ I'll wear a pink veil and . . . I don't know about the outfit which I'll wear tomorrow -still blank. Then I'll prepare for tomorrow in the morning. I hope I could wake up like usual at 4am. I'll woke up at 2am if there's any assignment or . . . there's any exams at school.

    Oh ya! Talked about The Pocari Sweat Factory, I went there this morning with my classmates and 3 teachers [including our homeroom]. The Pocari Sweat's Factory is really BIG-HUGE-LARGE and uncountable. haha~ You can built your own school there, and also the hall room, and sport areas. I love it!

    That's the one of the largest factory in those areas.
    If you talked about the weather, Sukabumi-Indonesia had a cool weather. That's why I love to stayed there. And moreover these factory placed right in the mountain's foot. aaah~
    And here some of my pictures which I took there :
    left - right : Natal - Me

    In my way to home, some of my friends got angry because a misunderstanding between them.
    I think, it's a simple things but it could be bigger than we thought because of some reasons which I don't know either. kikik~ I just guessing. Maybe I'm right, huh!? But, I'm in the neutral positions. I'm not choosing A or B. I just keep offering the lunch to a persons who haven't got their lunch. And I ate all of the meals inside the lunch box except the meat. I'm not eat it because a reason which I don't want to published here.

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 21, 2011


    Today I just go to school and course like usual.
    But, there's a thing which makes today is different. That's . . . the result of The Academic Potential Test was appeared. The result was not good enough for me as well. aaah~

    Today, I decide to post this post using Indonesian. So, keep reading my Blog friends!
    Pagi ini, gua bareng lagi sama kakak-kakak kuliahan yang dimana kemarin itu pertemuan pertama 'kita' (hahaha-please, ini bukan masalah percintaan. baca dulu sampai selesai) dan mereka berbicara menggunakan 'aku' serta 'kamu' layaknya gua. Dari situ, gua bisa menyimpulkan bahwa, bukan gua aja yang (masih) berbicara menggunakan kata 'aku' dan 'kamu'. Begitu~ mendengar percakapan mereka, layaknya cermin gua dimata temen-temen.

    Selama pelajaran, berlangsung . . . nggak ada hambatan dan alhamdulillah gua nggak remedial selama hasil UTS keluar. Namun, gua belum sempat berbangga hati karena nilai Mata Pelajaran SEJARAH belum unjung keluar. Nggak tau kenapa, kalau hasil sejarah belum keluar, belum lengkap rasanya nilai UTS buat gua (iya dong! secara . .sejarah, gitu. iiii~) Lalu gua memberanikan diri untuk melangkahkan kaki gua menuju ruang guru yang seketika berhawa dingin ketika kaki gua berpijak disana (lebih tepatnya ruang kepala sekolah. Mengapa? Karena, guru sejarah gua merangkap sebagai wakil kepala sekolah juga -kalau nggak salah) dan gua pun bertanya : "Ibu, mau liat nilai sejarah." "Ibu, saya mau remedial," kata temen gua yang ketangkep basah bernilai sama dengan gua! hahaha~
    Dengan singkat dan jelas, guru sejarah gua berkata : "Aduh, Ibu jantungnya lagi nggak enak. Jadi, besok aja ya. Kalau urusan nilai . . . itu tuh. Liat aja disitu." -sambil nunjuk absen. Dan kalian boleh tau kalau nilai gua adalah nilai terkecil se-antero jagat kelas XII IPA 2 (nggak perlu disebutkan nominalnya kali ya. Ini aib 7 turunan. Lebih - lebih dari aib yang biasa : 7) SHOCK = pasti! gimana bisa gua nggak shock ngeliat nilainya. aduh . . .,bikin gua burning deh. AAAARRRGH!

    Ditempat les tadi . . .,nggak ada yang special dan my story was end. haha~
    Eh, eh! Tau nggak sih?! Hari ini tuh gua ngeliat anak SMP makan gorengan di angkot (bukannye gua pengen, ya!?) sepulang gua dari les. Iiih~ masa iya, angkot udah ganti fungsi jadi tempat sampah?! Maksudnya, dengan enaknya dia ngebuang sampah bekas makannya di pojokkan angkot dan gua sempat mengabadikan sampah itu :

    Could you see the trash? The trash was inside the white circle that I made
    Sikap yang tidak patut ditiru. Alasan kenapa gua nggak ngambil itu sampah karena, I don't have any plastic bag which could wrapped it and moreover the rains was fallen down at that time. That's why I didn't pick it. Sorry~

    And here's the alley of my house when we're seeing it togetherness with rains

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 17, 2011


    Today, I'll posting my daily life on my blog using Indonesian, okay?
    Because . . . I had lots of explanation which I think I couldn't use my English well to describe it. So, I prefer to use Indonesian than English. But, I think I will put some sentences using English too. hehe. Then, let's start my story!

    Hari ini gua nulis di scheduler bahwa senin ini merupakan senin yang menyenangkan karena nggak ada PR buat gua sebagai pelajar tentunya. Rasanya . . ,kayak dilemparin duit IDR 100.000 yang banyak ke muka kita [halah! ngayal!] Dan ternyata perkiraan gua itu bener! 
    • Hal pertama yang bikin hari ini menyenangkan adalah . . . Nggak belajar di pelajaran pertama karena, guru-guru pada ngadaain rapat keputusan nilai.
    • Hal kedua yang bikin gua 'bahagia' sama hari ini adalah . . . I don't need to get my remedial for Biology subject! Hahaha~ Thank You Allah SWT for passing me on Biology subject and I hope it happen to all of the subjects which tested on the Mid Semester Test. Amin . . . .
    • Hal ketiga yang melengkapi kebahagiaan gua hari ini yaitu [ganti ah, jangan adalah melulu] gua 'hanya' mengeluarkan uang sebesar IDR 2.000 untuk ongkos pulang ke rumah. Gimana nggak seneng?! Rasanya, gua itu kayak lompat-lompat diatas matras sekolah [??] Kejadian ini terjadi akibat adanya kemacetan yang disebabkan oleh 'Si KOMO'. Si KOMO terbaring lemas di perempatan Talang [deket Graha Indah] #apa banget sih~. Intinya mah, hari ini tuh di daerah Talang macet 'aja' dan membuat para supir angkot memalingkan rutenya ke arah perumahan Indra Prasta yang berujung melewati Perumahan Tanah Baru yang tak lain dan tak bukan adalah perumahan dimana rumah gua dibangun = IRIT
    But, there's a thing which could make my day became worse : I must continuing my paint this night. I hate it the most even though, there's no HOMEWORK for tomorrow. That's it. HAH!! I need somebody to help me to do this things. aaah~ Help me please . . .

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 15, 2011

    It's not my day

    Today ... I didn't broke my promise ~ yeeey!
    I'm not cheating for today's subjects!! But, there was a things that make me (a bit) worried : the selection of a person who will delegate us to the English Speech Contest. That's it. I didn't took it. I leave it~ Aaaaah . . . I lose my chance (my first and last chance which came once into my life) I lose and leave it as my decision. I was thought of it before I leave. And now, I'm regret it. uaaaaaa . . . .~ #crying

    And this evening I read more than 100pages of my second novels that I read.
    The title is The Queen Must Die by K.A.S QUINN.
    The Price of this book is IDR 42.000.
    Love it! It talked about a girl times traveler, named Katie. She trapped on the Victorian's era accidentally. Till she met a young lady called Alice and a child of court physician named James O'Reilly. She tried to back to her era, but she can't. #seru banget deh ceritanya! -padahal gua baca baru setengah halaman dari 330pages yang ada.

    I watched an Asian Drama Musical called The Kitchen Musical which aired on Metro TV in Indonesia. My friend, Indri who told me about this drama. Love it. Full of funny things which actually it's a common things. I watch it because of Christian Bautista!! hahaha -he's so handsome. wooow~ make me melting

    Oh ya! You know? Indonesia will held a Royal Wedding too like Prince William and Princess Kate. But, it's a Royal Wedding for Keraton Yogyakarta version. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono's daughter who will married a man called Achmad Ubaidillah. I can't wait for the next news of it.

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 14, 2011

    English Contest

    Aaaah! Hear this words was make my ears itchy this noon.
    Aaaaah~ aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggh! It makes me nervous, you know? Even though it held on Oct25th, but I was really nervous now. aaaa~ Ya ALLAH SWT, safe me (read : help me) . . 

    It's not an ordinary English Contest, it's a debate contest.
    #marah-marah pake bahasa inggris aja belum pernah, gimana gua mesti debat pake bahasa inggris. Tidur aja deh gua kalau gitu.
    In school, if there's any debate contest, I prefer to locked off my mouth than shouted anything that I like. I just do as a passive side in every sessions. Yes, that's me. I was trying to say what my opinion is, but, the result always like this one : I told my friends about my opinion and my friends who will convey the opinion. So, it's like my opinion was their opinion, not mine (#understand what I mean? hohoho)

    Then, I broke my promise this morning in school on the test sessions.
    Aaaaa .... I promise to not cheating on these mid semester test. But the fact is?!
    I was wrong . . .! I did it yesterday and today . . . aaaa -BAD GIRL!!
    I won't do it tomorrow on the last day of mid semester test. I won't do it again. Please GOD . . . help me (for not cheating anymore). 

    The reasons why I prefer studying than cheating are :
    • Kalau nyontek mesti nengok kanan - kiri (ibarat manu nyebrang jalan) dan belakang. Bisa bikin kita 'SALEH' = Salah Leher #kosakata yang gua dapet dari guru kimia wanita gua di kelas 1
    • Kalau nyontek itu, belum tentu bener! Bisa jadi salah dan bisa (bukan bisa lagi, PASTI) ngurangin point kita. Yang berujung pada jurang REMEDIAL.
    • Kalau belajar itu, kita bisa paham sendiri. Kalau nyontek, kita pake paham orang lain. Nggak banget deh ikut-ikut paham orang lain. Kita mesti teguh pada pendirian awal kita bahwa : "Nyontek adalah sebagian dari Remedial." -seperti apa yang telah gua lakukan hari ini
    • Istilah OB a.k.a Open Book, buang jauh-jauh deh! Itu sih sama aja artinya kita lagi latihan, dan bukan ulangan. Fungsi dari ulangan sendirikan mengulang materi yang sudah pernah kita dapet -ngukur tolok ukur kemampuan kita sih intinya mah. Cape banget kalau misalnya udah open book, tapi masih remedial! Apa lagi yang udah hi-tech dikit (baca : HP) idih~ inget DOSA!
    Which wrote on the top was only my opinion. hehe~
    So, find your own way to not make the same mistaken twice on your life -conclusion.

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 12, 2011

    Today is ...

    The subjects which tested today is Physics and Religions.
    For physics subject : I hate you more than anything (?) - No! The most hated subjects for me is Chemistry. Not only because of the teacher, but also the material - haaaah! From the 6 questions that my teacher gave us this morning, I could answer 5 of it. I don't know if my answers would be correct, but I hope so. HAHA~ But the reward point for me is ... I didn't took a peak when the mid semester test was going on. That's a small things which could bring a big impacts for our life (realized it or not) -my opinion. Sometimes (it's usually not sometimes) if we did something RIGHT, firstly it would feels hurt. But, behind the pain that we got, there will be a sweetness which tucked inside. Trust your self (?!)

    For religions subject : yeeey! The questions was looked alike with the questions that my teacher gave us on the daily test which held before the the mid semester test implemented. That's why I could answer it well (a bit). Thank you Sir! haha

    Bahasa Indonesia version :

    Buat fisika : ELO - GUE - END! = anjeun - kuring - enggeusan! = ihr - ich - ende!
    Ngeliat soalnya aja udah bikin otak guling-guling dikepala. Gimana ngerjainnya?! Ditinggal tidur deh sama gua kalau bisa mah. hahaha #khayalan. Kok bisa sih orang sepintar dan sejenius kalian ngerjain soal yang susah? Saya aja nggak bisa!? -memaksakan kehendak = nyolot. Gimana nggak nyolot! Semua yang ada disoal itu, pernah gua kerjain waktu latihan dikelas dan alhasil, gua nyantai aja diem (nggak bisa maksudnya). Give up deh gua sama fisika. Apalagi sama si KIMI (panggilan akrab KIMIa) nggak punya niat buat berhubungan dekat sama dia. aaah~

    Buat Pendidikan Agama Islam : Thank you Allah SWT it was like a blessing for me. Thank you Sir for gave us a questions which alike with our daily test. Thank you all (?) Makasih bangeeeed ya, buat yang satu ini. Yang kali ini sih gua yakin nggak diremedial -Amin ....

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 10, 2011

    1st day of Mid Semester Test

    Today is a really tired day for the early weeks.
    The subjects which tested this morning is Biology and English.
    The questions was so-so (not arrogant) that's why I could answer it (well). But one thing that makes me mumbled every seconds was my carelessness #repot banget bacanya. haha. My friend told me that she answered the indirect speech question using 'Verb 2', but I answered it using 'was' in English subject. Aaaaah! I was wrong, and I accepted it.

    If I remembered about ENGLISH, it reminds me to a crazy person who lived near from my house areas. My mother told me about that crazy person (woman). My mother said that this crazy person is different from another crazy person that I ever met (?). This woman could write a letter using ENGLISH. G-O-S-H !-! unbelievable ... that's one words which came out from my mouth immediately after heard that news. How can be a crazy persons wrote a letter using English? I thought my English is worse than her -give applause

    Finally!!! I found a site which make us could watch Nodame part II online. yeaaah!
    I'm happy~ I'm happy~ I'm happy~ uuu yeah!
    And I was finished watch it this evening (after arrived from the course) love it! Actually the ending is like what I was predicted before, but it's a different ending (not because the ending is a kissing scene, but a things that make me happy about the ending is ...) Chiaki belongs to Nodame!!! Want to see the several scenes which I took? Here they are :

    It's the scenes where the Strezemann imagine the orchestra between Nodame and Chiaki

    This scene reminds me to the poster of Nodame Cantabile's movie part II. Love it!! yeey!

    It's the kissing scenes what I mean. But, when I watched it, I just waiting for the ending of these scene. I don't know the reason is. kikikik~ for watch this movie, click here -part II only

    Hari ini juga hari pertama Try Out di NF.
    Subhanallah~ Soalnya ... nggak banget! Lebih mual dan jijik dari pada mesti ngeliat ulat-ulat yang montok-montok itu. Megang sih berani (still yakin deh gua bisa ngerjain semua soalnya dengan tepat waktu) tapi waktu ngerjain #MUAL-MUAL. Gimana nggak?! Menurut gua tuh ya, TPA serta antek-anteknya itu cocoknya dikerjain dengan waktu lebih dari 1 jam. Secara, mikir (IYA), baca (IYA!), menimbang-nimbang (IYA!!), otak jadi ngebul (BANGET!), laper (Tingkat DEWA~) dan alhasil gua nggak ngerjain lebih dari 15 soal #sedih? jangan ditanya! banget itu sih!

    Belum lagi nyontek ke temen (Sari pastinya) kan butuh energi untuk memalingkan muka ke belakang #elee~. Ngeliat sih ngeliat, tapi nggak gua copy-paste sama sekali (kecuali no.1) -punten banget ya sar. Dan itu adalah bagian mateMATIka yang dimana belum gua isi sama sekali #sedih banget. Belum lagi nanti test terakhir hari rabu (lusa) yang isinya mateMATIka, fisiKAMPRET, kimiASEM, dan Biologi. Angkat kaki deh saya lama-lama (?)

    My POUPEE  screen :

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 09, 2011

    Mid Semester

    Tomorrow is the day! #alay banget deh~
    The Mid Semester Test was in front of my face. But I haven't study either about the subjects which would test tomorrow. Aaaah~ I'm lazy in the holiday especially Friday.
    I planned for studying hard this morning, but the result is sleeping in the middle of my study. When I woke up (at 1pm) I forgot that my mother told me to kept watching her gas stove because she was boiled something in it. Then, I jumped off from my bed and see if it's okay, or ... burnt ?! And ... the result is ... the gas stove was off. Huuuuh~ I'm safe.

    All the day, I just learn about Biology.
    You must know that tomorrow, I will take many test (both in the morning and in the afternoon). Such as : Biology test and English test at school then, Academic Potential Test, Basic Math, English and Indonesian at course. Waaaah~ It's a bunch of works, right?!

    It means, I should ends my story here and see you tomorrow ...

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 08, 2011

    Rainy = HURRAY!!

    Rainy fallen down this morning at the moment I prepared for schools.
    I was both really happy and sad. Happy for rainy and sad for school.
    Reason :
    • HAPPY = because finally the soils were watering by the rain. yeaaah! Loud for the farmer! (YIPPIE!!) They could get their paddy back from the drought which tight them for several months ago. I hope you'll happy -farmer ~(''~)  (~'')~
    • SAD = because my uniform would get wet when I arrived school.

    I imagine my day is like Nodame Cantabile's life.
    I don't know how to explain it now, but what I felt this morning is really BAD.
    I met chemistry, religion, and biology subjects as well. I didn't like those subjects too much.
    and because of it , I only kept silence at school with nothing to do besides wrote my novel.
    Arrived home, I draw something on my 'mini' sketch book :

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 05, 2011

    wednesday = hari ABRI

    Today is like another day, I went to the courses at 2.30pm and ends at 4.30pm.
    Like usual lah~ And like usual too, my day was fulfilled with nothing (0). I hate today because of some reasons which I don't know either. HAHAHA. Today I really wanted to do something right, but it doesn't work at all

    My phone is broken this evening!!! aaaaah~
    But it's not my fault at all! It's the phone's fault! -nggak mau disalahin
    I hate it, friends! You know? My phone was on my hand since 2009 and it means I was hold my phone approximately for 2 years! aaaah! Actually, it's not a huge damage but it makes the screen a bit defected. My mother haven't know about it. I haven't tell her about my phone. If she knows, she will angry to me.

    Hari ini juga kan Hari ABRI ya (!?) terus ...
    Heboh banget kayaknya untuk Hari ABRI tahun ini. Soalnya Hyun Bin (the one of famous entertainer from South Korea) come to Indonesia as a delegation from his country. Nggak jelas banget deh~ (menurut gua). Nggak ngerti juga kenapa gua mesti bilang bahwa ini tuh aneh banget. Nggak ngerti deh gua sendiri. Rasanya ada yang aneh aja gitu. Secara, kayanya bangga banget gitu ya Hyun Bin dateng ke Indonesia yang notabennya dia hanya sebagai perwakilan negaranya di Indonesia. Kalau menurut gua sih biasa aja. Tapi kenapa temen-temen gua pada antusias ya?! Ko gua biasa aja ya? hahaa -efeknya beda kali ya sama yang nyangkut ke gua (?)

    And for today, my chairmate and I make a sketch in the canvas.
    GOSH! it's my first masterpiece (excessive). hahaha
    I won't ruin it. I promised.
    * I'll post the picture soon

    Since my house is being renovated, I really very feels uncomfortable at home and makes me want to hanging out all day long! And I plan to watch a movie which titled 'Simfoni Luar Biasa' at cinema and 'The Unborn Child'. For the unborn child, it's a thai horror movie.

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog

    October 03, 2011

    early morning

    Ahsan and Bona (a Young Badminton Players from Indonesia) got a GOLD medal in Indonesia Open Grand Prix Gold at East of Borneo. I was finished watch the Detective Conan Movie series III 2 days ago. Uaaah! They leaved clue in the end of the movies and it makes me more, more and more want to watch it!

    Hari ini tuh masuk sekolah ya!
    I'm lazy to go to school today ... I need a passion to wake me up. grook~ grook~
    Today is time to study, time to do the test well, time to sleep (?)

    September 29, 2011

    no comment

    I spent my day with ... nothing useful to do.
    Just staying at home after the school times ended. And did the Physics task which the teacher gave us in the last meeting (actually it's today). I didn't know how to answered the answer sheets. That's why I kept gaming in these times. hohoho~

    I watched the 1st series of Detective Conan Live Actions in and my opinion ... it was really (a bit) strange and I prefer to watch the 3rd series then. Because .... (I'm not arguing about the lead actors and actresses as well, but ... ) I like the 3rd series. It's more ... I don't know how to described it. hehehe

    Hari ini tuh, berkah banget ya!?
    Ketika waktu menunjukkan tepat pukul 6.55am, aku berdiri tepat di perempatan antara 08-A dan 17. Seperti hari biasa, aku menunggu kedatangan sebuah mobil transportasi yang harus kunaiki untuk mencapai sekolah. Memang, kenyataannya tak lama kemudian bel sekolah akan segera berdering. Namun, apa daya (?!) angkot tak jua menunjukkan batang hidungnya. Akhirnya, saya berharap bahwa ada seseorang yang mengajak saya untuk berangkat bersama menuju sekolah. Dan ternyata, setelah wishes itu terucap, tak lama berhentilah sebuah mobil kijang dihadapanku. Lalu, terdengarlah suara wanita memanggil kearahku dari arah mobil itu, "Ayo nak! Bareng sama Ibu berangkat ke sekolah." Ku palingkan mukaku ke arah suara wanita itu yang ternyata tak lain dan tak bukan adalah Guru Agama saya dikelas XI. Sontak ku jawab dengan jawaban yang singkat "Nggak usah Bu. Naik angkot aja. Makasih." karena dari kejauhan telah terlihat sebuah angkot akan datang menghampiriku. Ibu itu menjawab dengan tegas, "Ayo sama Ibu! Ibu juga mau kesekolah. Ayo naik! Nanti terlambat." Akhirnya .... Gua bareng deh sama Ibu Agama itu kesekolah. Makasih ya, Bu - Pak. Karena Bapak sama Ibu, jadi saya ngga telat deh dateng ke sekolahnya. haha

    Today I planned to listening the radio (as usual, every Fridays night - PRO 2 FM) at 9.30pm.
    Because, in these times, the times for 'Kover' = Korean Lover. They talk about all of Korea, started from their musics, actress - actors, their shopping areas, and many more. Byeee ....
    * I want to study first before I change my concern into the radio. fufu~

    I hope, my mother will buy this camera soon for me. Amen ....
    LOVE it! adorable, unique, 'vintage', antique and .... want it!!! (ܫ♥)

    Have a nice day!
    And Thanks for visiting my Blog