
October 14, 2011

English Contest

Aaaah! Hear this words was make my ears itchy this noon.
Aaaaah~ aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggh! It makes me nervous, you know? Even though it held on Oct25th, but I was really nervous now. aaaa~ Ya ALLAH SWT, safe me (read : help me) . . 

It's not an ordinary English Contest, it's a debate contest.
#marah-marah pake bahasa inggris aja belum pernah, gimana gua mesti debat pake bahasa inggris. Tidur aja deh gua kalau gitu.
In school, if there's any debate contest, I prefer to locked off my mouth than shouted anything that I like. I just do as a passive side in every sessions. Yes, that's me. I was trying to say what my opinion is, but, the result always like this one : I told my friends about my opinion and my friends who will convey the opinion. So, it's like my opinion was their opinion, not mine (#understand what I mean? hohoho)

Then, I broke my promise this morning in school on the test sessions.
Aaaaa .... I promise to not cheating on these mid semester test. But the fact is?!
I was wrong . . .! I did it yesterday and today . . . aaaa -BAD GIRL!!
I won't do it tomorrow on the last day of mid semester test. I won't do it again. Please GOD . . . help me (for not cheating anymore). 

The reasons why I prefer studying than cheating are :
  • Kalau nyontek mesti nengok kanan - kiri (ibarat manu nyebrang jalan) dan belakang. Bisa bikin kita 'SALEH' = Salah Leher #kosakata yang gua dapet dari guru kimia wanita gua di kelas 1
  • Kalau nyontek itu, belum tentu bener! Bisa jadi salah dan bisa (bukan bisa lagi, PASTI) ngurangin point kita. Yang berujung pada jurang REMEDIAL.
  • Kalau belajar itu, kita bisa paham sendiri. Kalau nyontek, kita pake paham orang lain. Nggak banget deh ikut-ikut paham orang lain. Kita mesti teguh pada pendirian awal kita bahwa : "Nyontek adalah sebagian dari Remedial." -seperti apa yang telah gua lakukan hari ini
  • Istilah OB a.k.a Open Book, buang jauh-jauh deh! Itu sih sama aja artinya kita lagi latihan, dan bukan ulangan. Fungsi dari ulangan sendirikan mengulang materi yang sudah pernah kita dapet -ngukur tolok ukur kemampuan kita sih intinya mah. Cape banget kalau misalnya udah open book, tapi masih remedial! Apa lagi yang udah hi-tech dikit (baca : HP) idih~ inget DOSA!
Which wrote on the top was only my opinion. hehe~
So, find your own way to not make the same mistaken twice on your life -conclusion.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

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