
November 26, 2010

today ?

If you asked me what happen today?!
I wouldn't answer it. because it's horrible!

Astagfirullah. .
Asal kalian tau, saya itu udah coba buat ngikutin kemauan kalian.
Dari kemarin ditunda-tunda terus, tapi ngga jadi-jadi mulu.
Sekalinya jadi, pasti ada yang ngga bisa.
Mau kalian itu apa?
Ngomong ke saya kalau kalian ngga suka dengan keadaan yang sekarang.
Sebelum hari 'H' nya datang. .
Emang ngga capek apa ngurus seperti itu?
It's not easy, isn't it?
Saya tau, kalian terima beres atas apa yang telah saya kerjakan. Tapi, kalau misalnya ada beberapa part yang kalian ngga suka, ngomong aja ke saya.
Kita bisa ngubahnya bareng-bareng kok.
Kalau itu yang kalian mau. .,
Saya sih, ngga keberatan. Justru saya seneng banget.
Berarti kalian respect sama atas apa yang telah saya kerjakan.
Jangan hanya 'iya-iya' saja.
Saya juga jadi ngga tau apa yang kalian rasain selama ini.
Jadi bingung saya tuh.
Gimana atuh mau kalian?


That's all for today
Thanks keep waiting for another my life story

November 23, 2010

extreme banget

Today is . . nothing (?!)
Start from Home and when I'm arrived at School, I feel sleepy
I don't know. May be, because I needed (more) time to rest my eyes.
My religion teacher got angry, because all of the boys do a mistake again.
When the teacher entry to my class, she founded all of the boys were gone.
*Parah gila!
I never seen My Religion got angry before.
"Sorry Ma'am"

oh ya!
My homeroom, got angry too when she knew that my class make a mistake (Again)
And my school life ended with badly.

it just happened.
Pas Adzan Maghrib baru berkumandang, saya nyalain laptop dengan santainya.
Terus saya masuk ke kamar. Ngambil 'colokan' USB.
Pas keluar dari kamar, terus berdiri sebentar didepan pintu kamar saya, tiba-tiba  . . .
ada suara anak kecil ketawa!
Mampus. Mati gua. Kaget banget, dan reflek langsung manggil kakak saya "Di, lu denger ga tadi? Suara anak kecil ketawa?"
Kata kakak gua "Nah, itu yang baru mau gua tanyain sama lu ta."
Saya ngejawab "Astagfirullah . . merinding gua Di. . ."
udah gitu, langsung kakak gua nyuruh nutup pintu rumah dengan seenak jidatnya.
Kakak saya "Ta, pintu udah ditutup belum?"
Saya "Belum."
Kakak saya "Tutup gih!"
Saya "Bagus banget, Di! lu kan cowok! Masa gua yang nutupin sih?! udah gih sana."

dan itu jadi Unforgettable moment banget deh.
Masih merinding sampe sekarang.
Ngga lagi-lagi deh

November 16, 2010

Private Eye

today I do fasting again to complete my first fasting. ehe

today, my friends and I tried to find what's the kind of drama that we will present next week and I want to make a funny drama, not a romantic drama (it's old way and make us looked so-so). but there's a student in my class and ** said *** the one who enthused by my another classmate. because ** said my another friend classmate had a bad story and ** wanted be the one of my group (and it's impossible. because I can't allow YOU to being the one of my group. so arrogant! did you think that you are the one who can act better than others?! huh! YOU ARE WRONG!).

the picture belongs to :
Cast :
  • Hwang Jeong-min as Hong Jin-ho (Detective)
  • Ryoo Deok-hwan as Kwang-su (Medical student)
  • Eom Ji-won as Soon-deok (Woman Inventor)
  • Yoon Jae Mun as Eok-kwan/Eung-kwan
  • Joo Da-yeong as Ok-eeh
  • Kim Hyang-ki as Byeol-eeh
  • Song Jae-ho as Min Chi-seong
  • Kim Eung-soo as Yoshioka
  • Oh Tae-kyeong as Min Su-hyeon
  • Eom Hyo-seob as Official Murata
  • Kwon Tae-won as Police bureau director

Synopsis :
Seoul, 1910. HONG Jin-ho, who will become Joseon’s first detective, travels around solving trivial family disputes for pocket money as a private detective. However, he is determined to go to America someday and is saving up for the trip. Then one night, Gwang-soo, a medical physician in training, discovers a corpse in the woods and secretly takes it to practice dissecting. But the corpse turns out to be the son of Seoul’s most powerful man. While planning to flee in the middle of the night and afraid of murder accusations, Gwang-soo meets Jin-ho, and asks him to find the killer. When another corpse turns up in the woods, murdered in the same way as the first victim, Jin-ho and Gwang-soo use a piece of cloth they find in the victim’s hand as the lead they need to bring them one step closer to the real killer.

try to watch this movie. because this movie included with comedy drama. so FUNNY.


that's all for today
Thanks For Visiting My BLOG

November 12, 2010

today's report

today is like. . another day.
full of imagination, dreaming, laughing, and . . sleeping (not synchron) 
sometimes, I'm feel so boring with my life.
I DO the same thing for a week and next week and so on.
it just the same. nothing changed at all.
I want someone that could change my life to being wonderful, colorful and unpredictable.
oh ya! today, after school time offer I bought a small bread it called "Roti Unyil" from VENUS BAKERY and it's only in Bogor-Indonesia. my favorite flavor are . .

My first favorite flavor is milky corn. the taste is GREAT and 100% make you want eat and eat and eat it again. ehehe, try it! and My second favorite flavor is chocolate cheese. the taste is YUMMY! My third favorite flavor is chocolate. it's nice and have a SWEETtaste (absolutely!)

oh ya!
this afternoon Indri came to my house. We talked about our holiday plan. but Novi can't attend today. because it just happened suddenly and we thought she's busy with her regeneration at her school. ehehe. so I just talked it with Indri. She stayed until 5.30pm.
and it ends with huge consideration. 

and my plan for tomorrow is watching a movie with Indri and Novi (I hope she can attend tomorrow).
we plan to watch : MEGAMIND
finally I found someone who wants to watch Megamind movie with me. hohoho
Time : 2pm
Place : Ekalokasari Plaza


November 10, 2010

today's report

today my plan is . . eat BAKMI KINGKONG at Ekalokasari Plaza with Natal, Puspa, and Sari.
want repeat it again. .
and what's make me felt happy today is . . . I'm passed in Biology oral test (special for this chapter, my biology teacher choose to make an oral test. so, I learned hardly for this chapter). yeey! felt happy [until now] ahaha

after the school time ended, we gather at Mosque [for took a pray first] then we went to BAKMI KINGKONG. . . we arrived there at 2.30pm and ordered our menu : Bakmi Kingkong. ahaha [sorry, but for this one. because I'm very hungry today, when the noodles came to my table, indirectly I ate it. ehehe. so I didn't take a picture first] the taste is like . .(noodle absolutely!) chicken noodles. oh ya! talk about the price , this noodles valued IDR 15.000 and after we ate all of our noodles, we continued to PHOTO session . . .

ahaha, today  . . . is today.
just happen once in our live. don't ever let it go.
just take it and get the responsibility, and you'll know what's the meaning of 'today'

November 01, 2010

find it AGAIN !

I found it again.
it's the receipt from My English courses (when I registered as the one of NEW student there) ahaha it's about 3 years ago. . [long time, isn't it!?]

LOOK! ahahaha Jun16th, 2007. .

when the test is running, I was so-very nervous. because I'm afraid that I'll placed in the based level. uuh~ it's so, sad. . . unyu! but, when I saw the result (a week later) with my mom absolutely, I'm not brave to see the result. which level that I held and in the room?! my mother who saw it first. she said, I'm entry the STEP 2 and I'm shock in that time. so, immediately I pulled the paper result and you know what I see? I'm entry the STEP 3. ahaha (up 1 level) felt so happy (even just a bit).

My first friend when I entry the class is Damar (Wahyu Damar) (she a girl. not a boy) ehhehe
then I have another new friend (because sometimes there's another student who change their schedule and enter my class) like Ines (Inesza Sylviane), and Fadilah (Fadilah Nurarini)
and when I reach up until the end level (because STEP level included 6 level), I'm took the next level (for adults) and I'm entry the Elementary4 (waaw, I never imagine it before. because I thought I'll entry the Elementary1. ehhehe) when I went to upstairs, I saw my old friend. She is Novi. so, I'm being classmate of Novi. iyeey! 。◕‿◕。


I'll continued it tomorrow.
because I felt sleepy. so, bye . . . 