
February 18, 2011

Thank You Allah SWT for today

waaah, finally I done the presentation pretty well. haha
Thank You Allah. because You're give me a right topic (but it's hard if we didn't know what is the material that we presented) Thanks for Allah SWT that I didn't get confused and nervous when I presented it, Thanks for Okta who's presented the material about the disease of human respiration with me, Thanks for My Biology teacher, and Thanks for all of my classmate as the audiences. Thank you all. . . 

I almost got a problem today.
It started when my biology teacher was come in to my class.
Jadi gini, kan gue sholah dhuha tuh sekitar jam10-an. Pas udah beres, gue diem dulu tuh buat ngehafalin ini materi sebentar (Biology). Soalnya gue takut pas gue ke kelas, dia udah ada dikelas. Udah tuh, gue disitu sampai  jam 10.20am. Langsung aja gue lari ke kelas. Pas gue nengok ke kiri (berhubung jalan yang gue pake lari bisa ngeliat ke dalem kelas gue, jadi gue ngeliat di kelas udah ada gurunya apa belum?! dan ternyata SUDAH) Terus gue inget sama apa kata guru gue last week. She said if there's someone who came late into her class next week (it's today) and the door was closed all of us must waiting in front of the class. I'm still remember it. When I shown my head in my class Aris, Dimas, Rizki, Tata,  Maya, Epsi, Femi suddenly staring at me. Dan gue ngasih isyarat ke mereka (with a body language) "may I come in? I finished praying Dhuha." Aris said "come in." udah deh tuh gue nyelonong dengan enaknya. and I hope she didn't recognize me that I late to came to her class.

That's for today, hope you'll had a great day
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

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