
February 26, 2011

Saturday like Sunday

Today's pageviewers up to 2.000 ---unbelievable

I plan to hang out or just do some window shopping to Botani Square Mall and tag-along to Ngesti supermarket to accmpany my mom. But something hit my mind 'i felt sad and disappointed w/ the school's holiday'. Cause i felt like. . .i've turned into nomnomnivora (which means someone who eats a lot without stopping. chug them all), i've gained 2 kg a day, and there's something wrong with my eyes ---but dont know laaa

At Botani Square Mall, I bought a key chains and a stickers.
And here's how it looks :

I'm kinda confuse to choose what kind of snacks should i buy. . ., then i pointed to Yan Yan (Meiji)


In front of Ngesti Supermarket, there's a man who standing with his basket (which full of traditional snack), and I said to mom "Mom wait. See?" my mother reply "Want it?" I said "OF COURSE!"
Then my mother bought it for me.

It's Granny's hair (Rambut Nenek in Bahasa Indonesia)
Maybe it comes from the filling which looks like grand ma's hair color
It priced IDR 5.000/ bag ---consist of 5pcs of Granny's hair

Have a nice day
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

February 22, 2011

Seorang nenek

Cerita ini sebenarnya terjadi pada hari ini, tepat pukul 02.10 pm.
Saya melihat seorang nenek sedang berjalan dengan ketiga orang cucunya kearah terminal angkot. Ingin rasanya menolong nenek itu. Membantu membawakan barang belanjaan yang begitu banyak ditangan para cucunya. Dengan tas dipunggungnya, cucu yang paling besar (laki-laki) menjinjing sebuah sawi yang bisa dibilang cukup besar, cucu yang kedua (perempuan) menjinjing sebuah tas yang besar, serta digendongnya seorang cucu oleh sang nenek. Lengkaplah sudah sebuah keluarga kecil yang tak lengkap namun menyenangkan. Saya fikir, nenek itu baru saja menjemput kedua cucu nya dari sebuah sekolah dasar di Bogor, yaitu SDN Pabrik Gas.

Miris banget ngeliatnya.

Lalu saya membayangkan bagaimana bila itu terjadi pada nenek saya atau ibu saya?
Usia telah lanjut, namun tetap harus bekerja cukup berat. Menjemput kedua cucunya, berbelanja, serta menggendong seorang balita. Aduh, sedih banget kalau ngebayanginnya. Pengen bantu sebenarnya tadi tuh, tapi berhubung saya udah kebelet pengen ke Toilet, alhasil saya langsung naik ojek dan hanya memandangi nenek itu saja.

Semoga nenek itu hidup dengan bahagia di zaman yang sudah semakin tidak terkendali ini.
Amin. . .

Cukup sekian cerita dari saya hari ini, dan Terima Kasih telah mengunjungi Blog saya.

February 18, 2011

Thank You Allah SWT for today

( on my previous blog, i told you that i'll had a biology subject presentation and. . .the day is today )

Waaah, finally I've done the presentation pretty well ---hahaha
Yesss! The presentation about the disease of human respiration (yup! biology subject)

Thank You Allah SWT, for giving me the right topic to be presented (but it's hard enough if we didn't understand the material/ topic is) Thank You Allah SWT cause I didn't get confused/ nervous when I'm presenting the topic, Thanks to Okta for the cooperation, Thanks to My Biology teacher, and Thanks for all of my classmates as the audiences. Thank you all. . . 

I almost got a problem today.
It started when my biology teacher came to my class.
Jadi gini, kan gue sholat dhuha tuh sekitar jam10-an. Pas udah beres, gue diem dulu tuh buat ngehafalin ini materi sebentar (Biology). Soalnya gue takut pas gue ke kelas, dia udah ada dikelas. Udah tuh, gue disitu sampai  jam 10.20am. Langsung aja gue lari ke kelas. Pas gue nengok ke kiri (berhubung jalan yang gue pake lari bisa ngeliat ke bagian dalam ruang kelas, jadi gue ngeliat di kelas udah ada gurunya apa belum?! dan ternyata SUDAH) Terus gue inget sama apa kata guru gue minggu sebelumnya. She said if there's someone who came late into her class next week (which is today), she'll forcibly close the door and anyone who came late must waiting outside classroom. I still remember it. When I shown my head in my class Aris, Dimas, Rizki, Tata, Maya, Epsi, Femi suddenly staring at me. Dan gue ngasih isyarat ke mereka (with a body language) 'May I come in? I finished praying Dhuha' Aris said 'hurry up ,come in.' udah deh tuh, gue nyelonong dengan enaknya. And I hope she didn't recognize that I came late to her class.

That's for today, hope you'll had a great day
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

February 15, 2011


Today is weeknd.
I just spent my day at home and sleep all day.
In the morning, my big brother asked me to play MONOPOLY because the light is off. We played around 45minutes long and I was earn money $300.000 haha
With the first assets $150.000/ player, I earned much money. haha
My BIG brother's money it just $100.000 because he always payed a rent money if he stand his soldier in my land. kikikik

I had this MONOPOLY since I'm in the 4th Grade

Kikikik, how old is it? so dirty. . .

And today is the saddest day because my father broke my mechanical pencil. But it's my precious pencil. uaaaaaaa, tomorrow I must go to Gramedia for buy a new mechanical pencil.

uaaa, it's my 3rd pencil that I've broke it 3 times in a year before. iiii, I promised to keep it up.
but, the fate is the fate. it's broke = just accept the reality.
Good bye my precious mechanical pencil. . . 

Oh ya!
My friend : Iki send me a message today. She said "Don't forget to wear pink bag tomorrow."
I reply : "Oh ya [?!] Unlucky! Don't forget you too, Iki."
Ih, how it can be? how she still remember it?
actually I was forget it and she remind me again [today]
Just see what will happen if I wear a pink bag to school. hahaha

Have a nice day
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

February 12, 2011

Febby's DAY

(hmm. . .sebenernya gue ngga tau apa yang mau gue tulis disini. kikikik)

Okay lah~
Started from my school life.
- 1st subject is Indonesian Language, as for the assignment is making a proposal 
- 2nd subject is Computer, the study held in the computer lab and we complete the task there
- 3rd subject is Physics, we solve some difficult questions and aaaaargh ---hahaha
The school ends up early since it's Saturday, around 12.20 pm

Actually rizki and i made a plan on the afternoon to visit Gramedia Bookstore to see the new book collections and ofcourse its price too. Sadly, we cancel our plan and go on our own-way since we had another appointment with another circle. So, i decided to met up with kristal and febby. yeey!

Today is Febby's Birthday ---finally, she can get an ID Card officially soon

Happy Birthday Febby,
Happy Birthday Febby,
Happy Birthday to Febby,
Happy Birthday Febby. . . 

My best wishes for you : all the best for every wishes and desire you want to achieve this year, 
selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT, rezekinya melimpah ---aamiin.

And thank you for the treats, hehehe

Febby treat us ramen noodles from Daiji Ramen, Pajajaran.
I ordered Miso Ramen which priced IDR 18.000
Before we had our lunch, we took a photo first and the result is like :

(seru banget woeyyy)

Have a nice Weekends
And Thanks for visiting my Blog