
August 08, 2014

between the threes

Between the threes is a story about three places that we visited when mudik.

The story is about my trip which called 'mudik'. A tradition which force you to go back to your hometown/ great-grandparent's house to pay visit to the older every Eid al-Fitr (no matter how much money left that you had on your wallet). But, because my great-grandarents had been passed away for long time ago, so we just visits some relatives who still lives till today. The route that we took : Bogor (West Java) - Magetan (East Java) - Yogyakarta (Central Java) - and back to Bogor. To reach Magetan, it took 2 days 1 night on the way *such a long journey* and, to reach back to our hometown (Bogor) from Yogyakarta, it took 3 days 2 nights *capek duduk mulu*

The picture above is taken after breakfast in the Restaurant on our way to Magetan (East Java).
Most of grandchilds that my grandparents have are male and the female is only 3.

Family Photoshoot in Magetan with The Grandma's Family.
The picture is taken right before we go to Yogyakarta.

And because we arrived at Yogyakarta in the evening (cause : the traffic jam everywhere), we (the young generations) didn't want the day ends like usual. So that, we decided to go to Alun-Alun.

Just order anything that can be ordered.
We need an 'older' to accompany us, that's why our Aunt joined us. Also because she's a mom for every grandchilds that our grandparents have.

Our motto for that night which came from the elder's advice and combined with our answer.
" Alert! For all of you. Don't come home late in the mid-night! Just come home in the morning!" -yihaaa~

 *entahlah apa nama kendaraan ini*
we rent it about  Rp 75.000 for one lap *ngga kerasa*

On our car that we rent, it has extended seat on the top *for 2 people only -the light one*
The little girl there, is the only girl cousin that I have for this trip. Because the other one couldn't make it (something urgent came up when we're ready to go).

 The view on the morning. Love it!

Just love it.

Guess who is it? *me, yeeey!*
Me who tried to take a picture of flowers that grows well near the rice field.

Family Photoshoot session 2 with The Grandpa's Family.
Also the day we went back to Bogor.

Just realize it after seeing my mother holding her camera which aimed my face.
*laper banget, akhirnya nyobain beli. meski rasa curiga masih ada di pangkal mata*

One of my fav. place in Yogya, Post Office.
I planned to capture the Post buildings which located near Malioboro Market Yogyakarta, but the picture came out to be like this.

One of my fav. place too in Yogyakarta (Malioboro).
oleh-oleh dari Yogyakarta juga ngga seberapa. cuma beli tas buat ngampus doang warna hitam, dan ternyata mas ben juga beli tas yang sama, cuma beda gambar doang.

*  *  *

Karena saudara sepupu gue kebanyakan 'pria', alhasil yang mereka obrolkan adalah tentang wanita. kalau ada cewek lewat atau lagi diem, langsung di kecengin. terus ngomongin cewek-cewek jaman sekarang ,dan yang gue masih inget dari perbincangan mereka adalah tentang tipe-tipe wanita baik (pacar). menurut mereka, pacar (cewek) yang baik adalah cewek yang ngga punya banyak sos-med *such as : instagram, path, facebook, etc.* jadi mereka ngga banyak mengumbar eksistensi dirinya ke orang banyak; sholehah (pasti); ngga addict banget sama gadget *such as: handphone, tablet, etc.* sisanya gue lupa. Terus mereka sempet-sempetnya ngobrol-in brand brand sportware yang biasa mereka pake dengan pakde-om.  -ampun.

Tapi, ada saudara gue yang masih kecil (kakak-adek) yang demen banget shalawatan sambil adzan selama perjalanan dimana yang lainnya pada asik ngobrol-in macem-macem urusan dunia. Subhanallah banget emang saudara sepupu gue yang masih kecil-kecil itu. kalau gue? *jangan ditanya, gue tidur seharian karena tepar*

enjoy your holiday that you have left before ready to start the new semester!

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