
July 22, 2012

another week on a days

Everyday is a tough days.
The tough days in a week. Because I need to rest more but I couldn't.
Lots of important things need to be finished than spending my time by doing nothing. I realized that my time for the orientation's day in University was getting closer, but . . . it ends with I have not prepare anything.

Monday is the day with lot of preparing.
Because the next day is the day for me to went to Bandung, Indonesia. The purpose for me to visiting Bandung for the first time also, to done some requirement from my 'new' university. All of the needed application be collected in the night and  .  .  . on the early morning, I went to Bandung with my family.

The day is a day with no mercy include.
Why? Cause I need to woke up earlier than before also I got an ill couple days ago and it makes me more uncomfortable to go to Bandung. But, fortunately I didn't feels anything when I reached the University. After all of the problems has cleared there, my family chose to went shopping for a while. So, we chose Kartika Sari, McD, also the Mosque. Not much place that I visited that day. Because we need to arrive at Bogor before the sun sets. And unfortunately also fortunately we reached Bogor at 9pm.

I lived near the main highway in Bogor. So, it was the situation when I went to Bandung in the early morning. The times in the picture showed 5.25am. Hmmm . . . too early to be woken up. Hehehe

The picture above is the situation when we were in the middle of our way to Bandung. Did you see the white spot in the bottom of the street lights? It is the moon. I tried to take it properly, but I couldn't. So, the result was like that *apologize.

LOOK! There was a giant rock which covered with lot of leafs.
I took it because it looked rare to be found.

Waaaa . . The Mosque above make me feels like in abroad. Because it doesn't looked like in Indonesia. Hehehe. Serasa ada di Gurun Sahara -Afrika sana *halah!

Could you possible to see the flying bridge there? Right in front of my car. It reminds me with Japanese movie or drama. Because sometimes they took some scene in the flying bridge and it just felt awesome.

Nice view, doesn't it?

Hah! This one! My aunt who went Bandung with my family who show it to me.
I love this views the most! I saw it once in my way to Yogyakarta and after saw it twice in my way to Bandung, I'm truly love the flying railroads. much-much-much

The picture above is . . . chocolate mouses which I bought at Kartika Sari. The one of a famous gift food in Bandung, especially bread. But, they also sell a dessert. And my choice fallen to that one. The price is IDR 8.000 only = USD 0.84. cheap right?!

I also bought this chocolate. I don't know the brand but I had seen it once at TLC. When a chef makes a small-easy dessert from this kind of chocolate. Aaaarrgh. I'm forgot the name. *the brand is HERSHEY'S KISSES. The flavor?! Mmm . . . really-very-so delicious.!!!

I just stayed at home and . . . relaxed my body, mind, also my mouth.
I kept my mouth closed because yesterday I ate lots of foods in my way to Bandung and when we went back to Bogor. Aaaah, I think I need to diet now. Hmm~ *baca : mustahil

On thursday, I spent my day by watching Running Man ep.103 which titled Beauty and The Beast. The guest stars : Noh Sa Yeon, Shin Se Kyung, and Yoo Jun Sang.

The scene above is when Gary and Jong Kook tried to find Se Kyung. Because they were in danger. But, which make it ridiculous is . . . Gary run straight forwards and then turn right then Jong Kook run to the right side and they met again! You must watch it by yourself. Because my description in English was really bad. Pardon me ya~

Nah, this picture was when Se Kyung and Jong Kook tried to rip the name tag of the beast which is none other is Yoo Jun Sang. To watch this funny and ridiculous variety shows, click me.

And on the day too, Novi and Indri visited my house. They told me about they failure for the umpteenth times. We talked about Study, Universities, The Jakarta's Gubernatorial elections, The candidates for the next President elections, Lapindo Mud, and many more. I hope for both of you guys that the last test that you followed, would be the last destinations for your next education. Amin. FIGHTING!!!

On friday, I spent my day by watching the Japanese drama titled Rich Man Poor Woman. Those drama is getting better and better and that's why I really like to watch it again. 

Uaaaah! the day is the first day of Fasting month.
For the moslems all over the world, happy fasting days ya. Hope all of the things that you have done in this months will brings the goodness for your life. Amin.

Happy Birthday mommy~
And I spent my day by being a slave with my big brother for one day.
We cleaned the old stuffs together *read : playing with the water also the soaps. Huehehehe

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 06, 2012


Hari ini, hari dimana . . untuk kedua atau lebih Allah belum mengizinkan saya untuk mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan. Yang mungkin apa yang saya inginkan belum tentu yang terbaik untuk saya. Maka dari itu, Allah memberikan jalan yang terbaik untuk saya. *itu aja sih makna yang bisa diambil dari hari ini.

2hours before the result revealed.
Before the result of written test of SNMPTN revealed, I was writing my previous posting. And its end around 6pm. So it means, the times getting closer to the exact time. So far, from the first day of written test was held, I was saying to myself that if the result was bad, don't blame yourself and keep fighting!

1hour before the result revealed.
I choose to covering my whole body using my batik blanket. But, before that . . .
Ku tutup jendela kamar dengan sehelai tirai berwarna putih bercorak bunga mawar. Ku arahkan jari telunjukku ke arah saklar untuk mematikan sumber cahaya di kamarku. Barulah ku rebahkan badan ini diatas kasur yang nampaknya sudah sedikit tidak benar. Ku tarik selimutku sampai benar-benar menutupi ujung rambut yang ikal ini. Ku letakkan kedua tangan ini tepat di atas dada. Mengatur nafas dengan perlahan agar aku dapat mengetahui seberapa gugupnya diriku untuk mengetahui hasil test snmptn tertulis yang akan datang beberapa menit lagi. Ternyata . . ,detak jantungku benar-benar tak karuan. Ku putuskan untuk tertidur agar aku dapat melupakan semua rasa gugup ini dan berharap bahwa ini semua hanya mimpi yang akan berakhir sesaat lagi. Telapak tangan dan kaki pun mulai tak bisa merasakan apa yang seharusnya dapat dirasakan. Mati seketika.

When the times come. . .
Ku pandangi layar laptop dengan keadaan normal mode.
Terlalu terang untuk mataku yang mulai berkaca-kaca. Perlahan, air mata ini mengalir dengan tersendat-sendat. Terpaksa ku tahan agar kakakku tidak mengetahui bahwa aku menangis untuk ke sekian kalinya akhir-akhir ini. 7.15pm. Perlahan namun pasti, ku arahkan jari jemari ini ke arah keyboard laptop dan mulai berdansa diatasnya, "". Namun apa yang ku dapatkan? Error. Error. Error. Tak gentar ku coba untuk mengetik dan meng-enter ulang rangkaian kata itu. Dan . . . kagetnya diriku bahwa aku gagal untuk kedua kalinya dan . . . sekarang jauh lebih sedih rasanya, "Ya, apa daya? Inilah hasilnya." Ibu pun berkata, "Punya mimpi boleh, tapi jangan terlalu tinggi. Sakitkan kalau udah jatuh untuk kedua kalinya?!"

Tertegunlah diriku dengan seketika dan mulai berfikir.
Kenapa ngga dari awal gua mencoba untuk merendah?! Merendah itu baik, kok. Bukan berarti kita merendah bahwa kita itu lemah! Ah, utha! Kenapa ngga dari awal???

Saying Thanks to :
  • Ayah. Ibu. Kakak, Terima Kasih atas do'a dan nasehatnya yang ngga pernah abis setiap kali utha bikin masalah. Makasih juga udah ngasih apa yang utha mau meskipun utha ngga tau gimana cara balas semua itu. Terima Kasih banyak . .
  • Untuk temen-temen gua!!! Kristal, Febby, Icha, Pege, Yossi, Sari, Puspa, Natal dan yang lainnya. Makasih banyak atas pertanyaannya tentang berhasil atau tidaknya saya mengarungi lautan yang berombak itu. Makasih banyak yo~ atas semangatnya juga, makasih! Itu lucu banget, bikin saya bisa sedikit melupakan kesedihan itu. Hehehe
  • Untuk I.N'.U .Long time no see, ya~ Novi, Indri, mungkin rejeki kita bukan lewat snmptn undangan maupun snmptn tertulis kali ya. Tetep semangat ya, buat kalian yang mau ikutan SIMAK UI. Semangat loh! Mungkin perjuangan aku cukup sampai disini. Kalian semangat ya! Ayo kayuh perahunya dengan baik ya.
  • Buat diri gua sendiri : Buat otak, makasih ya selama ini udah nitip berbagai macam nama penyakit, rumus mate-fisika-kimia, nama latin yang aneh-aneh, berbagai kosakata yang unik, dan pengalaman yang ngga akan bisa terlupakan. Buat badan, makasih ya udah bisa bawa saya ke berbagai tempat di Bogor. Buat organ dalam, makasih banget!! Meskipun kalian suka rada-rada letih dan terluka gara-gara saya telat makan, dsb. Buat alat indra, makasih ya. Ya Allah, tanpa kalian semua, mungkin saya bukan apa-apa 

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

the movies and dramas

So far, since the last day of written test of SNMPTN ends. . ,I had been watched lot of movies and dramas using some site certainly. But nowadays, I want to really watch a Japanese drama which showed about cooking and cooking! I really need to watch it now. If there any movie or drama which talks about cooking, please tell me pleasurably.

Chonmage Purin 

This movie, so far talked about a . . . samurai who transported to today's life. But he has a hidden talent that he could make a dessert well like a pro. In 2000's era, he lives with a woman with one children. And everyday, he makes a breakfast for the woman's son like a real husband. And . . . . you must watch it by yourself. Its plot were well organized and . . . I love all of desserts that he made. looks like a pro. So, I gave for this movie.
To watch this movie, click here and to know more about it, click there.
Starring : Ryo Nishikido, Rie Tomosaka, Fuku Suzuki, etc.


Ghastly is a Korean Horror Movie. But, I think it was not really horror like Indonesian horror movie. hehehe *you know lah~ And which make this movie worth to be watched is . . . this movie have a average tense. Not too much blood appears here. So, for someone who afraid of blood, you can watch it peacefully. Hehehehe. I gave for this horror movie. To watch this horror movie, click here and to know more about this movie, click there.
Starring : Hyomin (T-ara), Han Eun Jung, No Min Woo, Park Seong Min, etc.

Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de special

Well, my first prediction was . . . Reiko will ended together with Kageyama. But, it was not. Yaaaah~ what a pity. .But, in this special episode, they were not only shows one issue, but 2 issues directly. I love it! That's why I'm waiting with all of the patiences that I had. Hehehe. Want to try to watch it by yourself? Just hit this one and to know more about the drama special episode, hit another one.
I gave for my favorite drama and also the special episode.
Starring : Sakurai Sho (Arashi), Kitagawa Keiko, Shiina Kippei, etc.

Kokosei Restaurant

Aaaah . . This Japanese drama is the one that I like. The reason?! It was extremely simple. Just because . . . this drama talked about cooking and . . from this drama also I possibly understand how to cook the dish properly *because they also gave some tips inside -just try to listen and see it well. Oh ya! Which made me hypnotized with this drama is . . . Kamiki Ryunosuke. He's handsome enough. Hehe. I gave this drama .enjoy~
Try to watch it? Click here and click there to know more about it.
Starring : Matsuoka Masahiro, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Fukiishi Kazue, etc.

Ninja Kids Live Actions

Waaah . . . I think it was the most waited movie for me, because I have wait it for . . . a year to be subbed. The 3 kids above are Kirimaru, Rantarou, and Shinbei. It was a . . laughable movie. If you have watched the anime series, you must know that its contained with lot of comedies inside. The movie also known as Nintama Rantarou. Let's watch this movie together with your families or your friends! I gave for this gorgeous movie.
Click me to watch the movie and click them to know more.
Starring : Seishiro Kato, Futa Kimura, Susumu Terajima.

Wonderful Radio

The reason why I watch the movie is . . . there was Lee Kwang Soo, Lee Min Jung, and Lee Jung Jin. And . . they were called 'Lee Brothers' *because : you know lah~ you can see it after know the main actress and actors who played there. Firstly, I love the plot (not too much romance here) but at the end . ., Lee Jung Jin and Lee Min Jung has fallen in love each other. Arrrrgh.

Nah, I love this scene!
It was the most favorite scene in this movie. Because Kim Jong Kook and Gary (Running Man) played as passanger. But I think they played as Lee Kwang Soo's friends.
I gave this movie . To watch it, click here and to know more about the movie, click there.
Starring : Lee Min Jung, Lee Jung Jin, Lee Kwang Soo, etc.

Whispering Corridors 5 : A blood pledge

Aaaah, this horror movie was not really scary *for me. I'd like to watch it because of the cover. The cover makes this movie 'looks' was not that scary. The fact, that's true. Not that scary. Because the blood wasn't that much, only a pinch of salt (?!). I gave this movie . And to watch it, click here and to know about the movie, click there.
Starring : Son Eun-seo, Jang Kyeong-ah, Song Min-jeong, Oh Yeon-seo, Yoo Shin-ae, etc.

"You need a spare time for your brain and yourself for a while. Just to refresh it."

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog
*pssst . . . I recommends all of the dramas and movies that I had watched, friends.
*pssst . . . Saya merekomendasikan semua drama dan film yang sudah ditonton saya, teman.

July 02, 2012

my early July

Ok, ok, ok. . . .
So far I had been watched bunch of movies or dramas to filled my holiday which I don't know when it suppose to be ended. Most of my days filled by watching, sleeping, praying, drawing and . . . dreaming.

Today, as my first post of July edition, I would like to tell you about myself long ago.
Long ago (or it's about 2weeks ago) I got shock when I knew something which made me ruin my face and my heart by crying all night long and couldn't sleep even I has a sleep pill on my stomach. Both my eyes couldn't be closed directly before I force them to be closed. I'm still awaken about 3hours with my closed eyes. And I'm feeling like a kids who ever felt how bad to be a child who born in the broken family. But, those feelings  . . . . I had tried to throw it as far as possible. So, those thing wouldn't disturbing me for twice.

Hmmm . . .,
Talked about July, lot of things will be happened in the near future.
And . . . in the morning, when I'm finish prayed in the morning, I was directly grab my sketch book and draw something inside. It's my newest picture.

It was my drawing. Hhehe . . . even though it was not as good as the pro, but I like it.
for better picture, I'll ost it later.

Started from yesterday, I have searching through the browser about this Japanese movie.
My closed friends who told me to watch it.
The title is Patisserie Coin de rue.

The picture above, it was the official poster from the movie which I talked about.
From the beginning it was really delicious. Hehe. I gave for this movie.

4 pictures above, I took it because the dessert looks really awesome and .  .  . I'm really wants to try it 'if' the cake shop is real. Want to try it. Really. Haaaah~ *just imagine it.

You know?! That girl above was born at 1985 - Aoi Yu.
I thought she was born in the 1990's era. Aaaah~ her face has deceive me. Hehehe

Nah, it was the ending picture that I took.
Its ending : Natsume goes to New York to study more about patisserie and Tomura reunited with his wife *spoiler. To know more about the movie, click here and to watch it, click there.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog