
September 24, 2014

almost. .

almost . . . 
almost is never enough
so close to being in love
if I would have known that you wanted me
the way I wanted you
(. . .)
- Ariana Grande

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - (skip) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

okay, it's not a time to sing along with, 'babe'.
it just something that happened to me since 4 days ago.
my work place just changed, from the simple table into the cold floor.

how messy my room is looked like.
since 4 days ago, I slept in the floor. what for?
yaaa, for revising the paper assignment laa~

tidur pun cuma 2-3 jam.
klimaksnya adalah kemarin. karena hari selasa itu jadwal kuliah dari pagi sampai petang, jadi makan pun ngga sempat, konsentrasi buyar dikelas, sakit kepala, dan yang terakhir adalah ngantuk.
sleepy. the biggest enemy while the lesson is still 'on' going.
dan kemarin pun gue bener-bener me-reset ulang KSM.
bye 2sks. . *gue lagi galau sama cantik dari kemarin.

"haruskan kita legowo? toh bukan kita yang ngga bener. tapi sistemnya yang belum concrete."

(#np: almost - Ariana Grande)

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