ngga kerasa banget ya, semester 4 udah (mau) berakhir aja.
padahal, kayanya baru Januari kemarin ketemu sama UAS, tapi bulan Mei udah ketemu UAS lagi. Ya Rabb, didn't it just too much? *sorry for being greedy. and tonight, accidentally I found some pictures on fb. pas buka home, langsung muncul foto-foto ini, daaaan :
two picture above is pictures from Mrs. Hani (the lecturer of Building Construction).
they're my classmates (Interior Design'12 - Class A).
those pictures taken right after the final exams of building construction is over.
and about the rest of two pictures above is a class of house mock-up (LP11-C).
another department on campus can take this class, because it is a cross-study programs class.
but, fortunately my class is filled with the 2012's generations. yeeey!
see you next semester, guys!
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