
July 29, 2013

the loneliness

mmm . . .
sebenernya, udah males banget untuk nulis di Blog sendiri.
kenapa? ya karena para spammer itu. gua ngga mau akibat mereka, blog gua jadi mempunyai citra yang buruk. padahal, pada kenyataannya gua ngga pernah nulis yang aneh-aneh kok, kecuali tentang aktivitas atau kegiatan yang gua lakukan. ngga lebih dari itu. tapi kenapa, para spammer malah 'hilir-mudik' kesana-kemari mencari celah untuk bisa membius blog gua *secara tidak langsung.

English ver. :
mmm . . .
why? ya because of those spammers. I don't want that because of them, my blog got a bad impressions. the fact is I never ever wrote any 'suspicious' things, besides about my activities or events that I did. no other than that. But why, the spammers 'back and forth' here and there to find a gap to be able to anesthetize my blog *indirectly.

collage holidays is really bored.
I can't take it anymore. I need my collage days back! Somehow, I don't really like holidays.
holidays means 0. because I really didn't do anything at home. just googling, facebook(-ing?), and playing games. I don't like those things. I hoped and wished that my holiday will be O.K. and changed into an unforgettable collage holidays eveeeeer!

several days ago, my mom celebrate her birthday.
happy birthday mom. don't be angry, I like to say that if you realized, your age has been reduced year by year. keep getting closer to Allah SWT, don't let anything breaks your defenses *especially your faith.
your beautiful daughter 

have a nice day!
happy fasting month and don't let your temper makes your fasting invalid.
thanks for visiting my Blog~

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