
July 23, 2011

Cloudy Saturday

I think I will do a window shopping tomorrow. Haha
I really want to buy a new school shoes. kikik
But, I should did an exercise first in the morning [not synchron at all]

Today I'm planning to search the study planner book at Gramedia Bookstore, hopefully that I find it. So, I decided to bring my older scheduler to the bookstore. Because I worried that the sales promotion girl doesn't know about the scheduler, that's why I brought my older scheduler. And also trying to found any workbook with a brand : morning glory. Here the goods that I bought today :

Yeeah! Finally I found you, my new scheduler . . .
Yesterday, when I visited Gramedia bookstore at Bogor Botani Square, I couldn't find it. But, the next day when I came here [today] I find it! THANKS ALLAH SWT .
And the important thing is, the brand ! = Morning Glory
The price is IDR 20.000

I buy this pencil because my old pencil was broken at school today. hehe
I like the brand too, PILOT. The price is little expensive, IDR 29.000. kikik
But I'm not telling my mom that the price is expensive.

New workbook
It's cute isn't it?! I love the color covers. Pale Blue and also I like the cutie cat. HAHA
The price is IDR 11.500/pc

And new exercise book = MATH Edition
The price is IDR 38.000 but I got a discount 15%. yeah!

And today is the first day that I feel I'm is the part of the XI SCIENCE 2. Why?
Because, I started to know the characteristics of my classmates. Even though, they still 'jaim-jaim' ngga jelas. What I feel right now is my newest classmates, it's almost look 'ALIKE' with my oldest classmates. I love it even though [only] a bit. Thank you, friends!
[Maybe you don't know what was you do for me, right?!]


Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 21, 2011

It's not my day

aaargh. . .
I really want to buy a new scheduler, a new workbooks that come from : Morning Glory (brand). But, it's failed cause the books is out of stock. I didn't buy those things today. I hate it. . hopefully, when I go to another Gramedia Bookstore, I'll find the Morning Glory workbooks and the scheduler. hihihi

Today, in my school during the 2nd time of lessons a bunch of person came to the XII Science 5 class. One word : "SUBHANALLAH. . .~" I'm amazed.
It's a bunch of man with their uniform which came from Military Academy a.k.a Akmil. One of my teacher said they did some presentation in that class and all of students who feels that they're man, they should came into the classrooms.
you know? Their waist is smaller than me!!! NO WAY!
Ya Allah . . .badannya lebih montok dari pada saya. Kaya pramugari versi cewek gitu deh. Ya ampun . . . mereka bisa sampe langsing singset begitu. Bikin envy deh  ┐(‾‾┐) (┌‾‾)┌

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 20, 2011

bad mood, bad condition : BAD DAY

Hari ini . . .,gimana ya cara ngejelasin hari ini?!
Dibilang seneng? (NOPE), Dibilang sedih? (I THINK, YES)
But, what should I do then? - Nothing.

Kemarin saya ngga posting apapun disini, karena terlena sama kasur yang empuk dikamar dan akhirnya kebangun pas jam 10 malem. terus melek sampe jam 12-an (TENG!) gara-gara sempet nonton film Jepang di Celestial Movies. Judulnya, I Give My First Love to You. berhubung ngga nonton dari awal alias nonton dari pertengahannya, maka . . .yang saya tangkep dari cerita ini tuh . .sedih 'aja'.

my mother told me that i got stress nowadays.
well . . ,i should say it's quite 'RIGHT'. because . . ,that's the reality.
maybe it caused by the 'new things' that happen to me lately: my new classmates, my new classrooms, and I should adapting with a new atmospheres too. Haaah~ I should take a rest now. maybe laying in a bed for a while. perhaps I'll get better after it. Ya Allah . . ,sembuhkanlah penyakit hamba saat ini. Amin ̩̩̩̩̩̩)

Hari ini juga, pertama kalinya main UNO!
Hahaha, tau kartu UNO itu kan?
Sebenernya saya udah punya, tapi emang ngga tau cara mainnya. Kartu UNO yang saya punya kira-kira udah 5 tahun-an. kalau itu anak-anak, pasti udah gede kali ya?! ckckck. Tadi, pas sebelum les mulai, Yossi sama Farah ngajakin saya main UNO. Pas pertama kali denger kata 'UNO', wiiih . . seneng! SECARA, selama ini gua punya kartunya, tapi gua ngga bisa maininnya. Ternyata, pas udah tau gimana cara mainnya . . !? Jadi ketagihan tau . . . . "SERU SIAH!" kata yang saya ucapin pertama kali pas kita mau berenti main   ƪƪ'')~(‾‾)~ (''ʃʃ

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 16, 2011

H - 2

hari ini cuma pergi nemein Ibu ke 'ngesti supermarket'.
and she told me to pick any sweets that i like since we're doing our monthly shopping.

i love meiji
the price is IDR 7.000. affordable, isn't it? hehe

*    *    *

Eh, ngomong-ngomong malem ini Nisfu Sya'ban ya?!
Ya Allah . . ,temen-temen semua . . ,maafin saya ya, atas semua kesalahan yang telah saya perbuat selama ini, baik kesalahan yang disengaja, maupun yang tidak disengaja. 
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : " Barang siapa mengingatkan kepada sesama tentang kedatangan bulan ini, maka api neraka haram baginya. " - Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin ya semua.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 15, 2011

H - 3

Mau cerita apa ya?
Sebenernya sih, gue sendiri bingung *bukan galau
Oke. Mungkin cerita sedikit tentang liburan yang agak menyedihkan ini kali ya?!
  • Pertama. Kenapa saya bilang liburan kali ini menyedihkan karena beribu rencana yang udah disusun sedemikian rupa, ngga terlaksana dan . .  hasilnya (otomatis) NIHIL = 0.
  • Kedua. Liburan ini tuh terasa liburan yang PANJAAAAAAAAAANG . . . (aja!) soalnya, wasting time banget, gitu liburan yang panjang ini. Otak ini udah makin dingin (almost frozen), karena ngga ada asupan materi sekolah. meskipun di rumah masih tetep belajar, tapi ngga kaya di sekolah yang intensif gitu. Ibarat 'Engsel' kurang 'Oli' atau suara pintu gerbang rumah yang belum dikasih pelumas (intinya, Sama Aja!)
  • Ketiga. Liburan kali ini tuh 80% diem dirumah, 10% jalan-jalan a.k.a refreshing *meski hanya ke pasar tradisional, 10% lagi?! buat yang lain - maksud : tidur malem CUMA sedikit. Nggak lebih dari 5 jam dan yang satu ini nih, nyebabin 'kantung mata' jadi GUEDEEEEEEEE ABIS.
  • Keempat. Hal yang cukup bikin frustasi dengan adanya liburan sekolah yang aduhai ini adalah BERAT BADAN MELONJAK banget!! aaargh! ngeliat status FB temen yang 'Katanya' berat badannya udah luruh abis, sampe-sampe sekarang dia langsingnya udah persis kaya Gitar Mexico, bikin ngiler. .  . .~

And the last is  . . .
My friend who live in Japan said, she was received my letter. Yippie!! haha
I hope you'll reply my letter soon, ya! *I'll waiting for your letter, friend!

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 12, 2011

H - 7

hari ini ngga pergi kemana-mana, cuma stay dirumah aja (seharian).
ngga ada rencana juga buat pergi, kecuali baca komik, liat-liat buku arsi, sama lanjutin bikin novel ala-ala. oiya! sama beresin kamar kali yaaa sekalian (cause i really am have nothing to do today).

abis beresin rak buku. terus jadi lebih space-able (?) ajaaa.
(palingan cuma tahan beberapa jam)

The first picture is my old book from Elementary school up to 2nd Grade of Senior High School.
In the second picture, I put a name tag above the plastic. The words : BINASAKAN! = DESTROYED! hahaha . . actually, the second picture is just a half of my comics that I don't like it more, and I decided to throw it away to . . . the 'junkman'. hehe

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 11, 2011

Istigfar .

PASRAH . . .
satu kata yang bisa mewakili keadaan saat ini, karena jujur saya lagi bingung milih tempat les.
jadi, gimana dong? pilih NF aja nih biar deket sekolah?
sama siapa ntar les? ngga ada yang kenal pasti. Ya Allah . . .~ 

Ya Allah . . .saingan tahun ini aja berat banget. .,
gimana tahun depan?! astagfirullah~ pasti lebih banyak.
hopeless, ada (banyak). tapi, kan belum berjuang! kurang lebih 8bulan lagi, saya menghadapi tes ini. Tes masuk universitas. Ya Allah  . . .
bener kata ka'hani : ikhlas kalau belajar.
Pasti bisa bersekolah di *T*, Fakultas SAPPK. Amin Ya Rabbalallamin .  .  .

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 09, 2011

saturday yuhu~

hari ini pergi ke post office buat ngirim surat sekalian liat-liat 'sten' filateli.
emang mata yaaa -_-|| kalau ngeliat ada barang baru, pasti pengen beli.
akhirnya ngga jadi 'sekedar liat-liat', saya pun jadi beli SHP seri 'diesemas ITB 50th'.

terus saya lanjut pergi ke Botani Square dan ngga sengaja ketemu nenek sama keluarga om gue yang lagi 'window shopping' bersama. karena barang yang kita cari ngga ada di Botani Square, akhirnya kita pergi ke 'factory outlet street' di Bogor.

ini dewaaa banget, gais! (nagih)
harganya IDR 27.000, tapi worth it kok sama rasanya. bitter but tasty gitu~

akhirnya gue dibeliin sepatu beginian sama Ibu (tapi tetep ini gue yang milih kok). soalnya sepatu sendal yang sering dipake keadaannya udah worn out. jadi mesti beli penggantinya deeh.

And here some of shoes that I like from a shoes shelf  :

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

July 03, 2011

ugen = utha gendut

waaa . . . .
Nothing to do today~
Just staying at home, keep increasing my weight, and still in front of the laptop.
Aaaaah  . . . . I really hate my self now!!!
I'm angry with you my mouth and my Hypothalamus. They took over my mind to keep eat and eat. Please.  . . let me be my old me. PLEASE. . . .

2 days ago, I spent my day by drawing a picture in my sketch book.
I think it's bad drawing. But I like the luggage enough.
My inspiration is go to abroad for study or just spend my holiday.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . . .I needs exercise for these HOLIDAY = HOLLY DAY!!!!!
Please Allah SWT, make me look like in the past. Please . . .. . let me be my old me.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog