
November 23, 2010

extreme banget

Today is . . nothing (?!)
Start from home to school, I just feel sleepy
I don't know. Maybe, because I need (more) time to rest my eyes.
My religion teacher got angry, because all of the boys do a mistake again.
When the teacher enter to my class, she found all of the boys were gone ---Parah gila!
I never seen My Religion got angry before ---'Sorry Ma'am'

Oh ya!
Another glimpse of today's huru-hara is my homeroom teacher got angry when she knew that my class make a mistake (again) . And my school life today ends badly.

it just happened.
Pas Adzan Maghrib baru berkumandang, saya nyalain laptop dengan santainya.
Terus saya masuk ke kamar. Ngambil 'colokan' USB.
Pas keluar dari kamar, terus berdiri sebentar didepan pintu kamar saya, tiba-tiba  . . .
ada suara anak kecil ketawa!
Mampus. Mati gue. Kaget banget, dan reflek langsung manggil kakak saya "Di, lu denger ga tadi? Suara anak kecil ketawa?"
Kata kakak gue "Nah, itu yang baru mau gue tanyain sama lu ta."
Saya ngejawab "Astagfirullah . . merinding gue Di. . ."
udah gitu, langsung kakak gue nyuruh nutup pintu rumah dengan seenak jidatnya.
Kakak saya "Ta, pintu udah ditutup belum?"
Saya "Belum."
Kakak saya "Tutup gih!"
Saya "Bagus banget, Di! lu kan cowok! Masa gue yang nutupin sih?! udah gih sana."

dan itu jadi Unforgettable moment banget deh.
Masih merinding sampe sekarang.
Ngga lagi-lagi deh

November 10, 2010

today's report

Our plan today is eat BAKMI KINGKONG at Ekalokasari Plaza.
We're so happy till we want to keep and repeat the good memories together (what an unforgattble moment). And what makes me feel 'more' happy today is . . . I passed the 1-1 Biology Interview/ Quiz with the teacher (special for the topics, my biology teacher choose to make an one-on-one interview/ quiz to know how deep we understand the topic is. So, I study hardly as for the quiz). yeey! I feel so  happy until now ahaha

After the school time ends, we gather at School Mosque (take a pray first) before go to the mall to have BAKMI KINGKONG. We arrive there around 2.30 pm and order right away. ahaha (sorry, but I'm very hungry today. When the noodles came to our table, I ate it rightaway. have no pict of the dish as a prove). The taste is like a normal chicken noodles and it price IDR 15.000 . After we ate all of our noodles, we continue to have a photo session.

ahaha, today  . . . is D-day.
happen once in our life, don't ever let it go.
just take and get its chance, then you'll know what's the meaning of 'today'

November 01, 2010

find it AGAIN !

I found it again.
it's the receipt from My English Courses (when I apply as one of the new student there) ahaha it's around 3 years ago. . time flies isnt?

( LOOK! ahahaha Jun 16th, 2007. . ♫ )

I was so nervous when the placement test is held. Because I'm afraid that I'll be placed in the very-basic level, not in mid/high level. uuh~ it's so, sad. . . unyu! but, when I saw the result (a week later with my mom --of course), I'm not brave enough to see the result is hhaha

deep down inside my feelings were like . . 'which level i'll be placed?'
my mother who saw the result said that I'm on STEP 2 lv. (I'm in a shock). So, I immedietaly pulled the paper result and you know what I see? I'm on STEP 3 lv. HAAHHAA ---felt so happy (even just a bit).

My very-first friend when I enter the class is Damar (Wahyu Damar) ---she's a girl anwy.
Then I make new friends to Ines (Inesza Sylviane) and Fadilah (Fadilah Nurarini) ---their schedule is kinda flexible, so sometimes we're not in the same class. When I reached the end of STEP lv. (STEP lv. contains of 6 lv. anwy), I took a test to go to the next lv. for English course which is for adults --for high schooler lv-- and I'm on the Elementary 4 lv. (WAAAAW, I never imagine it before. because I thought I'll be on the Elementary 1 lv. ehhehe)

The first day as an Elementary 4 lv. student, i met my old friend, Novi which turns out to be my classmate. iyeeey!! 。◕‿◕。

*STEP lv. is a beginner level which mostly filled with elementary students.


Bye bye! See you tomorrow~
because I feel sleepy already 