
October 30, 2010

feel bored

sorry guys,
I can't write my daily activities yesterday, because i borrowed my mom's laptop. hehehe. oh ya!
tomorrow I made a garlic bread by myself. ahaha
It looks like this :

The Ingredients to make your own garlic bread :
- Bread of your choice 
- Cloves of Garlic
- Celery / Parsley (put it as much as u wish)
- Butter/ Margarine

How to make :
- First, chop the celery/ parsley + garlic together
- Put butter on a bowl and mixed well with the chopped celery/ parsley + garlic.
- Then, you can spread the butter mxture on the top of the bread
- Heat the frying pan (without oil), once the pan is hot, you can put our bread, then wait until the bread get brown (dont forget to flip each side. so the beard cooked nicely)
- Then, it's ready to serve!

you can try it at home. . .

October 28, 2010

okta's birthday party

sorry guys.
I can't wrote my daily activities yesterday, because I had too much subjects to be handled of in school -_-" ehehhe. emm! 

Today is Okta's birthday!! My friend and I try to find a gift for her, but we can't one (still confuse actually). We go back-forth to any shops, but we can't find any proper gift for her. Then we just came up with an idea 'just buy a birthday cake for her laaa' and all of us agreed, and. . 'Okay. .  uhh~ Why we can't think of it earlier? Aaarrgh! So, we're not too late to come home after the celebration. ahhaha' (8.30pm , is late enough for students (esp. girls) to go home) ---trust me

back to the topic...

Today, we plan to go to the Ekalokasari Plaza after school and we (rizki, diana and me) went to buy a tart for Okta (as surprise). when we arrived there, 30min later Okta came and we sang a song for her (absolutely birthday song) then I continued the song, like . . (sing it as you sang the birthday song) 'let's slice-off the cake, let's slice-off the cake, let's slice-off the cake right-right-right-right now. because I want it, because I want it. . .' my friend said 'Uta . . .' suddenly she said 'take my picture when I blow out the candles' the result is like this one . . .

here's Okta with her cakes. .
left-right : Me - Rizki - Diana
left-right : Me - Okta - Rizki

October 14, 2010

temen apa sahabat?

gimana mulainya ya (?)

saya itu bingung banget sama 'status' pertemanan kita. dibilang memudar, ngga. dibilang akrab banget . .,juga ngga. jadi status pertemanan kita itu apa? disatu sisi saya cangung banget dengan kehadiran Anda (kembali), namun disisi yang lain saya bersyukur bahwa Anda masih ingat bahwa kita adalah sahabat sejak awal. pada awalnya saya senang bahwa Anda bisa kembali lagi seperti dahulu, tapi akhir-akhir ini, saya baru menyadari bahwa status pertemanan kita telah berubah menjadi : Teman Biasakarena, saya rasa per-sahabatan kita itu udah ngga kaya dulu lagi. kemana-mana selalu bersama, temen susah, dibantu. kan itu tuh berarti banget buat saya. hanya rasa Terima Kasih yang dapat saya ucapkan sedalam-dalamnya untuk Anda karena Anda telah mengisi hari saya dengan penuh kesenangan, kesedihan serta . .kehambaran. Terima kasih ya . . 

Cause I think, you pay more attention to your new friends . . and it's okay for me. ehehe (I'm not angry though), but I think we could never be like we're before (in the past).
someday, you'll know what and how the friendship supposed to be.

October 02, 2010


Hari ini, bete banget sama temen sekelas.
Emang sih, dia salah satu dari pengurus kelas. Tapi ngga perlu gitu juga kali.
Entah kenapa, saya nggak suka aja kalau ada orang yang teriak dideket kuping saya dengan frekuensi yang bisa dibilang kencang. Dan itu (!) hari ini terjadi.

Tapi, untuk menghilangkan rasa sedih dan marah itu, saya nimbrung foto-foto bareng sama Femi dan Rizki. Bisa dibilang . . ,rizki itu temen baru dikelas XI ini. Kalau femi mah, dia temen waktu jaman SD. Jadi, udah kenal.

Itu . . .beberapa foto yang saya 'buang' disini. Hehehe. Terlihat sederhana, memang. Namun bermakna. Halah~ Tau ga sih?! Yang ngambil gambar ini, yang punya HPnya sendiri loh. Temen sebangkunya rizki, Diana *temen kelas X gua juga.
left - right : saya - rizki - femi

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog