
April 20, 2013


Yesterday, I found my drawing in a stack of papers ( because on this week there were a mid term test, my room is really messy. but its easier to find something that I needed ). The drawings from the past 2 months and when I felt boring in the class, I just doodling in my book -full of drawing

this picture is the oldest one.
I drew it in my first semester in university.

the picture above is my illustration when I'm filling empty inside but not outside.
kalau bahasa gaulnya sih, gua lagi galau ketika itu. tapi kalau ditanya kenapa gambar itu, ya ngga tau?! ngga tau kenapa, pas ngegambar jadinya begituuuu aja~ hhehehe

this picture is the continuous from before. hehe

the illustrating ideas come from "Alice in Wonderland" book's that I had. but this Alice is a bit mysterious from the Alice that Lewis Carroll made. I admire his books. And which make me more exciting about Alice is . . . I found an old movie from Alice in Wonderland! hehe. "Wonder"-ing to know? click here.

it was nothing.
just helping my friend with her typography assignment. the lecturer told her to make a new font with a new name also, but with Indonesia's theme.

just illustrating my friend's faces and dreaming about what should I drew in this piece of white paper.

little red riding hood.
I drew it in the middle of computer class.

the newest drawing.
it is about my friends and I. pssst . . . I made 'giggle scheme' as google chrome for the ancient era, and tadpole as twitter. hehehe

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog, also keep drawing!

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