It was my first time enjoying my day without any burden inside my brain.
The subject in the tutoring class wasn't felt like usual.
It was more cheering than before even there's only 4 persons inside. Hehe. I don't know where does the resident go. One of my friends who made the class turned into enjoyable, laughable, and noisy class compared to another class in the morning.
I only took the first subject in my class, because I need to go to my school to take the score both of my National Exams Score and School Final Exams Score. Aaah~ The result was really bad. Let's change the topic then.
After I went to my school to took those files, I decided to go to Gramedia Bookstore placed at Bogor Botani Square. And as the 'souvenir' I bought this cake !
Chocolate Cheese Cake by BreadTalk
The Prices is IDR 15.000 /slice.
And today . . .
When the tutoring class still go on, one of my friend who already accepted at the one of National University (how lucky she is~) visiting my class and greeting us with her widely smile ever. Tau ngga sih?! Hari ini tuh, serasa belajar BIP (seperti counseling gitu). Kenapa? Karena, dia itu sedikit cerita tentang betapa senangnya dia bisa diterima di Universitas yang ada di Kota Kembang dan di Fakultas Kedokteran pula?! *fakultas idaman para pelajar. Katanya, dari Bogor yang keterima di Fakultas itu cuma 3 orang dan salah satunya dia! Aaaah! Bikin kita semua yang ada dikelas teriak. Hebat bangeeeet! Kata temen gua : "Wih, padahal temen kita yang keterima di Universitas! Tapi, ko gua jadi ikutan seneng, ya?!" -pssst, kalau difikir-fikir, gua juga ngerasain hal yang sama kok sama yang lu rasain. Padahal temen gua yang keterima di Universitas lewat jalur undangan, tapi kenapa gua yang seneng?! hehe. Terus, sebelum Diora (yaaah, namanya gua sebutin deh. . *abis cape ngomongnya kalau pake 'temen gua yang keterima di Universitas') pulang, Eno nanya : "Terus lu ngapain kesini?"
Diora : "Hahahaha" -yaaah, dia malah ketawa.
Pesan Diora untuk kita-kita :
"Semangat ya, untuk SNMPTN Tulis nya. Semoga diberikan yang terbaik, semoga keterima deh di Universitas yang kalian pengen. Teruuuuusss . .,JALAN-JALAN bareng, yuuu ! ! ! Gua pengen banget jalan-jalan sama kalian. Mesti jadi ya !"
Jawaban Ketua di kelas (a.k.a Anggi) :
"Iya . . .HAYUU ! Nih, nih, catet nomor lu di sini nih."
Sepertinya, ini pertanda baik bahwa Diora akan ngebayarin kita semuaaaa~ hahaha *ngarep
Naaah . .,
as the last day of May, I'm draw something inside my sketch book.
Firstly, it was a. . . silhouette but it ends like this :
When I drew it, my thought was go somewhere else because I'm feel a little sleepy. Hhahaa. . Even though I'm not as good as a real illustrator, but I hope you'll enjoy to see what I had drawn.
Thank you . .
Thank you . .
It was me! Look! I got an award in the class -"TERJUTEK". Apa ya, bahasa Inggrisnya jutek? Arrogant? Tapi gua kan ngga sombong. Gimana dong!? Ya gitu deh. ahahaha
It was the awards which I meant before. aaah~
Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog