
February 29, 2012

Happy 29th February!

Hari ini, gua ngalamin hari yang biasa-biasa aja seperti hari biasanya.
Namun, hari ini gua seneng banget bisa ngeliat lu lagi, hadir di hari-hari gua.
Siapakah dia?
Dia adalah kabut! Hahaha~
Gua seneng bener, kalau misalkan di Bogor itu pagi-pagi diselimuti sama kabut. Senengnya minta ampun. Serasa bukan di Bogor. Gunung-gunung pada diselimuti oleh kabut, jalanan tertutup kabut, udara jadi makin segar, serta matahari yang datang malu-malu. Itu tuh yang bikin 'plus-plus' buat Kota Bogor. Bagi kalian yang udah pernah ke daerah rumah gua, pasti kata yang pertama nymape rumah gua adalah ADEM (dirumah gua maksudnya).

Jadi, kalau orang-orang mesti pergi ke Puncak (nama tempat yang masih terbilang dekat dengan Bogor) untuk menikmati udara pegunungan yang dingin, bagi gua?! Nggak perlu deh dateng jauh-jauh kesana. Cukup bangun pagi, berangkat jam set-7, naik angkot, terus . . . nikmati pemandangan yang gua lewati deh. Nah, gua itu, setiap mau berangkat ke sekolah, selalu-pasti ngelewatin jalan yang views-nya tuh ke arah pegunungan semua. Jadi . . . kalau olahraga pagi-pagi setiap weekend, seneng banget bisa ngeliat pemandangan pegunungan dari tempat yang satu ini.

Satu lagi!
Gua mau ngucapin "SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN" untuk semua orang di dunia yang merayakan ulang tahunnya setiap 4 tahun sekali. Semoga wishes-nya untuk tahun ini tercapai~

It was my last picture for February~

# Now Playing : Secret - IU

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

February 10, 2012

Physic Test

Physic test was driving me mad.
This early morning (7.30am) the sports subject started.
The weather were really fresh added with all of trees which grown at my school's yard.
My school's sports yard usually used for another school too beside us, like an Elementary school. So, which I meant that my school's sport yard was like a public facilities.

Nah, let me tell you about what am I doing this morning in the sports subject :
  1. Running Test. It was my favorite test from the all kind of test which held this morning. I don't know. I just like it right away. The teacher gave us 12 minutes for arrounding the sport's yard and I got 11 laps for it. Hmm . . ~ I knew it was my best ability for sports. Hehe.
  2. The second test held in the sport's hall. Started from Sit Up, Back Up, Push Up, and another types of sport test (I forgot the name). Asked me what I feel? TIRED. That's all. The only word which suits to express my feeling right now. Hmmm . . .~
Lot of experiences of us happened this morning.
I love to see your tired face, smiled face, even your anger face.
The memories between us would be saved on the memory card of my friend's camera forever. Hmmm~ co cwiit. Iya tau! Waktu kita lagi eungap, gara-gara beres lari, PAKETU (Pak' Ketua Kelas) malah asyik ngambilin gambar kita-kita yang lagi membutuhkan oxygen yang banyak. Smabil ketawa pula. Terus, ada juga temen gua yang tiduran di rumput sambil ngarahin mobile phone nya ke arah langit. Emang sih, gua akui, langit hari ini tuh teduh banget untuk dipandang. Itulah! Alasan mengapa kamar gua yang diatas (nanti) akan ada loteng kecilnya. Disitu, gua bisa ngeliat langit sampe puaaaaas~

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

February 03, 2012

say Welcome to Practicum

Aaaah . . . these week is the week when the practicum for all of subjects in school tested.
Want to know what I felt about? Happy - Sad - Unwell - got Headache - Angry - Hungry (?!)
Today is the schedule for Chemistry and Sundanese practicum.
It was a word which could reflect my feeling.

February 01, 2012

WELCOME February!

February is the second months of the year.
In this month, there wouldn't any special day on it except, a celebrating day of The Prophet Muhammad SAW at Feb 5th, 2012. Aaaah! It is Sunday and there would not be any holiday from the School nor the Government. Aaaaah . . .  I need a thing which called HOLIDAY. Please~ I hope that I got the rest time (rest time from the school activities or the other things which related to school). Amin.

In this month my friend who called Febby, celebrate her birthday of 18 years old.
Waaaw . . . such an old ages, ya?! *this year I turned 18 years old too this year.
Her birthday : Feb 12nd. Yaaa . . approximately about 2 weeks ahead.

Today, Bogor is covered with a clouds (fogs).
The weather is awesome too. Bogor haven't be like this before.
That's why I love today. Hahaha
I could got lots of oxygen and water vapor togetherness after I did an inspiration this morning.
Want to see the weather that I described? Here :

A mountain which usually I see in the morning till the evening doesn't showed at all. Because they covered with the fogs. Lots of fog. Hmm~ Bogor was alike with Puncak this morning. Haha

It was not a dust but it was a fogs.
Fogs in the morning could make me a bit happy to start my day. I love rains, fogs, water vapors and something related with water except SEA or OCEAN. I don't know why, because . . I just didn't like it too much.

This picture which I took, located before I get a turn right to reach my school everyday.

Hari ini gua telat nyampe sekolah.
Nggak juga sih sebenernya. Tapi, gimanaaaa gitu.
Disekolah aja rasanya seperti lokasi buat shooting film horror dsb. Kenapa?
Karena, kabutnya nyampe juga ke dalem sekolah gua. Seneng banget. Serasa di dalam cerita dongeng atau serasa berada di abroad gitu. Sekolah yang memang beriklim dingin, gimanaaaaaa . .a . . gitu. Hhahaa. Efek dari dinginnya Bogor hari ini.

I think my school areas was more like an old hospital buildings.
But it was not. My school's building is an old building of the teachers school of sport in Bogor.

I took those picture nearer (in front of) my classroom.
A small garden which sometimes filled with some people or couple in the bottom of it.

Jadwal untuk TO se-Kota Bogor pun udah ada.
Minggu depan sih mulainya. Tapi . . ,deg-degannya udah mulai dari sekarang. Hmmm~
Semangat 45, uthaaaaaaaaaa!! -FIGHTING!

Waaa . .  I must study hard . . !!!

Yesterday, My mother bought me a new small lunch box with a chocolate shape.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog