
December 29, 2011

Making Sushi

Today I learn about lots of thing at Kristal's house.
We planned to make sushi but we don't have the ingredients at both of Kristal's and my house. That's why before we started our things, we bought the ingredients at Bogor Junction which located near form Kristal's house (from Kristal's house it took ± 20 minutes using public transportation and if you wore your own transportation it would takes 10-15minutes to reach there). Today at least more than 3 persons who supposed to attend at Kristal's house.
But they couldn't make it. The reason are :
  1. The First person who can't make it was Febby. She was on her holiday with her families at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. From all of us, a person who always spend their holiday by going to countryside is only one and it was Febby. We were really envy of her and . . . in the afternoon after finished making the sushi, I messaged her, "When we could meet on this holiday?" And she replied, "Perhaps next week". Then, for the souvenirs (okay, for this part, Kristal and Me . . .) loves to order 'Monggo Chocolate Bar'. The taste is really GOOD~ *almost very very good. Talked about the souvenir it was a joke firstly, but she asked us, "What kind of souvenirs that you wanted?" -dan nggak lama setelah kita reply sms dari Febby, dengan polosnya dia bilang, "Aku nggak pake tour guide, jadi nggak tau. Dimana ya tempat belinya?" terus berhubung HP gua lagi di tangan si empunya rumah a.k.a Kristal, jadi gua bilang "Di Circle K juga ada. Soalnya bulan Juni kemarin aku belinya di Circle K." Seru banget punya temen seperti Febby.
  2. The Second person who can't make it was Aisyah a.k.a Icha. She sent me a message on the early morning and said that she should helped her mom to take the plants to the florist. So, only Kristal and Me who made sushi for US and also for Kristal's brother called Rumi.
Here some pictures which Kristal and Rumi takes on the time when we made it :

Okay, today we use Mayonnaise as our sushi dressing. Tasty? VERY!

I loves to cook and also to eat it.
These things which in the plate called Crabstick and Salmon meatball.

Do I more look like a real culprit there? hahaa~

Fiola~ and it's the result ! Looked tasty isn't it? *or not at all

Dan hari ini gua belajar banyak dari Kristal.
"tidak MUDAH untuk mejadi seorang kakak yang baik," mungkin itu hal yang masih gua inget sampai sekarang kalau mengingat-ingat kejadian tadi siang. Rumi, adik lelakinya Kristal semata wayang itu sangat 'banyak bertanya'. Sampai mungkin Kristal cape kali ya. Ngebayaing Kristal menjawab berbagai macam pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris yang kadang ada beberapa phrase yang gua aja nggak tau, dan anak kecil itu tau. Sedih banget gua. Ternyata vocab gua itu sedikit banget. Tapi yang gua suka dari Rumi adalah alis matanya yang lentik dan pipinya yang gembil. Bener deh! Bawaannya pengen nyubit pipinya mulu. Terus gua bingung adalah, dia selalu menjawab pertanyaan dengan singkat "Oh, atuh." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHH! kalimat "oh atuh" itu loh yang bikin gua getek. Abis nih ya, kebanyakan orang sekrang ngejawab dengan kata "oh atuh" meskipun kita lagi ngomong serius dan itu yang membuat gua sebel banget sama kata oh atuh. hmmm~

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 28, 2011

ini apa?

Ok, menurut gua, liburan kali ini nggak menyenangkan banget.
Disatu sisi, orang tua gua beserta para tetua di keluarga gua ngebet banget pengen ngebawa gua liburan ke Jogya atau ke Bandung. Secara, gua yang notabennya bentar lagi udah jadi seorang Mahasiswi (Amin Ya Rabbalallamin) butuh beberapa referensi untuk memilih universitas mana yang mau gua huni. Anehnya, gua bersikeras untuk tidak ikut bersama mereka selama liburan gua ini. Tapi, Ayah gua maksa banget buat gua untuk ikut. Tapi, kalau hati nggak suka, mau diapain lagi?! Akhirnya, gua memutuskan untuk menghabiskan liburan gua ini dengan berdiam diri di wilayah gua saja dan tidak berminat- berniat untuk pergi ke luar kota. HA-HA.

December 24, 2011


Okay, today is the day for report books are given.
But . . . I'm not satisfied at all.
And the result was really bad. Bad enough for me who studied for 3 years in Senior High School.
It was like an Indonesian phrase : "Bagai dientakkan alu luncung" that was my true feelings right now (since the early morning when the times of report book was given). Most of peoples who I didn't predict about their rank, the could possibly right on the top of me in the rank in class. I hate it really.

On the deepest of my heart, I asked myself about doing cheating while the exams held.
But I couldn't. Its similar with exercises time than exams time.
And . . . whether I need to cheat on the exam? It was the first question on my head which came out suddenly when I got my report on my hands.

And for the sentence : "So far, so good~" I don't get it now.
Bener deh, gua hari ini kecewa banget sama diri gua sendiri.
Not included on the TOP 10 in the rank was nothing for my families. Nothing that I could proud of and I was really disappointed to myself. My mother told me not too close to many friends that I have and don't be too kind to them. Because you would regret it someday. -kalimat yang satu ini nih yang ngena di otak gua pagi ini waktu makan ketoprak deket sekolah. Mumbling in my way to Supermarket, I set on my face kept sullen, and my aura was totally worse.

Dan berkat peringkat gua yang sama sekali tidak memuaskan batin orang tua gua, gua nggak bersifat pesimis dalam hal ini. It is true if I mad to myself. Tapi gua akan membuktikan bahwa gua bisa! Bisa bersekolah di Universitas yang gua mau. Itu tujuan gua kali ini. The rank was not a thing which I concerned for today, but I need a miracle just once which came into my life someday.

December 23, 2011

Thank GOD it's Friday

Okay, the song titled T.G.I Friday sang by Ran band which came from Indonesia was totally fit as the back sound of my day. Hhaha . . it comes suddenly when I thought about my day. I loves Friday no matter what! *excessive. Okay, I really realized that my English has getting worst back then. I really needs to make my English better than today. How is it? I think I should fulfilled my school holiday and new year eve holiday by learning about English once more with my auntie.

I think it everyday and every minutes that I have passed through about my true feelings and my problems which I should faced. And also I should make a birthday present for my friend (we're close, but not as close as my elementary school's friend with me). This ideas came immediately after I done by day dreaming inside my room. When I did day dreaming inside my room, I could possible dreaming about everything and about anything. Then, before it, I would like to turn the lights off for a while and my imagination starts to did it. hahaha

Today, I didn't do anything much to fill my day.
I only make the birthday present for my friend and . . what kind of outfit which I will wear to her house. And. . . how much money that I have spent for this things and also .  .  . I money has flew away from my wallet since Monday. It caused by one thing : SCHOOL.

And I drew something in the morning. Here's the picture :

# Now Playing : Last Fantasy - IU

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 04, 2011


Okay, today I visit University of Indonesia with my closest friends (just call them : Kristal and Febby). We're in the different schools but we're still connected with cellular (read : messages). We went there at 7.15am using a train and sat in the woman corridor (it means, the corridor is only for a woman and their babies -no boys) but there still a corridor which the chair was combining between womans and boys. The prices of ticket is IDR 7.000 -quite cheap isn't it?

Ah! About the entrance ticket, my friend (call her Kristal) already bought it a weeks ago using internet, but we must print it as our ticket. Because they didn't send any kind of tickets to our house, that's why we must printed it as our entrance sign. And also we must brought our identity card inside our wallet! The purpose is to convince them that the ticket which we hold is ours. Oh ya! I'm almost forgot! The ticket price is IDR 25.000 for Sunday only and IDR 30.000 for Saturday and Sunday.

Di Kereta, gua, is sama febby duduk di gerbong khusus wanita. Sepi . . banget! *pas pagi
Terus kalau berhenti di setiap stasiun, orang-orang pada berebut tempat duduk! Ini merupakan fenomena yang jarang banget gua temui. Tapi mungkin buat temen-temen sekolah gua, ini udah biasa. Berebut tempat duduk itu serasa lagi bermain tau nggak sih?! (bagi yang sadar apa yang gua maksud). Gua, bingung banget mau ngapain didalem kereta. Secara, Kristal dan Febby prepare banget buat ulangan besok. Nah gua?! Gua mah diem . . ,aja. I only seeing the views outside the trains when Kristal and Febby were studied. Tuh kan!? Gimana gua mau jadi murid yang pinter?! Diem aja gua kayak patung. Berhubung gua nggak pernah naik Kereta lagi semenjak 2 tahun terakhir ini, dan nggak pernah ke UI- Depok semenjak 10 tahun terakhir, akhirnya Febby yang jadi 'tour guide' gua sama is. Ternyata, Kampus UI deket banget sama Rel Kereta Api yang di Pocin (Pondok Cina). Tinggal jalan kaki sebentar aja, udah nyampe. Gua sama Kristal sampai terkagum-kagum karena keahlian Febby menemukan Kampus UI untuk kami (?! -apasih)

Nyampe Kampus UI, gua , is sama febby langsung ke Gedung Utamanya a.k.a Balairung UI.
Udah rameeeeee, aja. Terus gua ngeliat temen gua dari kejauhan dan berkata, "Oh, ternyata temen sekolah gua juga ada dan udah pada nyampe toh dari tadi~" Terus kita dapet Faculty Map gitu di bagian registrasi. Lucu banget deh!

This is the faculty maps that I talked about.
Their motto for this event is "SHOOT YOUR AIM!"

In there, I saw my big brother's old friend called Agung Pamungkas. He as the one of guest star (maybe). He's voice was GREAT! I don't know firstly, but when I saw his face deeply (?) I realized that he's the one of big brother's friend. Actually, he's my neighbor school's friend. But my neighbor introduced him to my big brother and another friends who lived in my house areas. And not long after it, I my neighbor introduced him to me. That's the stories behind our first meeting in long-long-long time ago. I knew that maybe he wasn't recognize me at all. After he sang 3kinds of songs, it continued with Question and Answer session with The Rector of University of Indonesia lively and some collegers. Here the photos that I promised to share it to you :

This scene when Agung sang 3 songs non-stop.
His voice is really . . .~ - I can't describe it with a words.

It's the Questions and Answers session

Promptly at 10am, all of booths which made inside the Balairung opened.
All of faculty they served to us as the prospective of new college students. Every booths has their own characteristic and theme exactly. For examples :
  • For The English Faculty, there was a woman who wore dress like a princess and also they put the Liberty Sculpture inside their booth.
  • For The Architect Faculty, they served some mock-up inside their booth and a pillar of Hercules. Did you know? I love their booth! yuhu~
These are some pictures that I took on the Architect booths :
There was a head from one of University's student. Accidentally, when he passed right in front of me, I was taking a picture from those booth.  He passed me by saying : "Sorry. . ."

Here's their mock-ups. Its only a few of mock-ups that they showed this afternoon.

These is the one of my favorite mock-ups which showed there.

*because tomorrow is the day of The 1st Semester Test, I must back to the place that I should be there rightly = Studying for tomorrow. The subject which tested are Indonesian, Religion, and Computer.

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

December 03, 2011

December oh December

Sumpah! Nggak banget deh ini hari! Baru juga kemarin gua berharap bahwa hari-hari gua pada bulan Desember bakalan menjadi hari-hari yang berarti dan berguna untuk hidup gua! Lah tapi?! Hari ini aja gua udah nggak les (lagi! dan mungkin udah yang ke 3 kalinya). Dan kalian mesti tau, hari ini yang jadi tumbal ditempat les itu : Yossi, Rizki, sama Putik. Waaah . . benar-benar zedikit. Kasihan mereka. Tapi . . .~ yaa . . ,gimana ya. Emang kemarin tuh males banget! *please ta, don't do it again.

Kemarin itu, gua memutuskan untuk pergi ke rumah nenek gua seperti biasa.
Berhubung les masih lama (ini waktu dimana gua belum memutuskan untuk tidak pergi les -11.30am) jadi gua ngadem seperti biasa dirumah nenek gua. Lumayan, bisa makan, tidur, ditambah lagi nonton TV pula! Gimana nggak enak?! Hohoho~

Hari ini, gua nemuin setumpuk foto jaman dulu dari SMANSA Bogor.
Secara, tante gua yang merupakan adik Ibu gua yang ke-3 adalah Sarjana Lulusan SMANSA pula. Menurut keterangannya, tante gua itu merupakan salah seorang yang cukup populer dikalangan temen-temen sekolahnya. Mau liat ga, buku tahunan jaman tante gua? haha, yu~

Yang disebelah kiri, itu tuh kesan-pesan mereka bareng kelas Fisik III waktu di Yogyakarta. Sedangkan yang sebelah kanan, itu foto seru-seruan mereka waktu lagi bersama. So Sweet banget ya anak SMANSA jaman dulu. haha -konyol~

Sekedar informasi :
Buku Tahunan yang dimiliki sama tante gua ini merupakan hasil 'pure handmade' temen kelasnnya (sebenernya lebih baik jika di ibaratkan seperti team work). Tapi, yang bikin gua  kasihan adalah orang yang nulis tentang mereka semua di buku tahunan milik tante gua ini yang berjudul : *nanti gua posting ya. lupa nih editornya. haha

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog