
April 28, 2011


Holla !
Today is the dizziest day in the week. hehe
I'm almost late came to school cause I'm arrived at 7.04am. hehe
And, started from 7.05am, the punishment begins.
Oooh, Thanks Allah SWT, because of You I could avoid the punishment.

First lesson is Music lesson and the teacher didn't come
Second lesson is Civic lesson and the teacher is attended to my class. We learned about International Relationship and International Organization.
Third lesson is Japanese lesson and we wrote a letter to 友達 (friend - to another friend). And my letter paper is nice. lovelovelove 
Then, the letter looked like . . .

*I decorated this envelope with cupcake and doughnut. hehe*

Today my schedule is went to the bank and course (absolutely).
I spent my time in the bank approximately 30minutes. because there's something ERROR with the bank machine. so, we must be patient. I got the queue number 22. Then, it make me late to came to the course. I'm arrived there at 3.20pm (20 minutes late).

The courses ends at 6.00pm.
Because I didn't have any small nominal money, so I should change it.
I decided to go to Bogor Permai Bakery and Cafe to buy a bread so it can make my money has a small nominal. hehehe. I took a pictures in my way to Bogor Permai :

I like the night lamps

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

April 25, 2011

Monday = . . .

Today I'm start to drawing anything that I do for these week.
Actually, nothing special happened today.
But, to spend my time. . .,I write something here (just for full filled it. haha)
I'm feel (a bit) dizzy, and I think my body got (a bit) high fever started from in Course.
And it continued until now.
(but I can sit as straight as a flagpole in front of the laptop now)

When I'm arrived at Course today, rainy was fallen down again.
So, it made my clothes wet like I took a bath for the second times but in the wrong situation
*hope you'll understand what I meant

University. . .
If I heard this word, my heart beating faster than usual, nervous, and dizziness come to my head immediately.
Oh, I'm not comfortable as usual if there's a friends who asked me, "Utha, where's University that you wants to go in?" I just can answered a short answer, "I don't know either. Because there's many choices. hehe"

I hope soon, I can make my parents proud of me

# Now Playing : Dreams Come True - 4minute
Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Hello everyone!
I'm Astrid Dwi Cahyaningtyas, and you can called me Uta.
I'm 17th Years Old (this year), and I'm studying at Senior High School Seven in Bogor.
I'm 11th Grade now and I'm not GOOD in English . hehe

Today, in Bogor rainy fallen down like yesterday.
But, today's rainy is more dense than yesterday. The water splashing get inside into my house.
In another reason, 난 그게 너무 좋아요.  hohoho

You know?
Today is Earth Day.
I thought it's like Earth Hour but, Earth day is for whole environmental (not like earth hour which focuses only on electricity, but it's like for all of a things in the world - air, water, soil included electricity)
more about Earth Day, click here.

HAPPY EARTH DAY Everyone. . .~

Kartini's Day


Today is Kartini's Day. Kartini's Day held to remember her kindness because of her, Indonesian woman could get the same degree with a man [in that time]. On the top, that's Kartini. She's full name is Raden Ajeng Kartini [we can abbreviated it to be R.A Kartini]. She's born in April 21st, 1879 and passed away in Sept 17th, 1904. Kartini is known as a pioneer in the area of women's rights for native Indonesians. Kartini as known as an Indonesian national heroine.

another photos from Kartini with her sisters
left-right : Kartini, Kardinah, and Roekmini (read : Rukmini)

more about R.A Kartini, click here.


            Kenapa ya, Hari Kartini sekarang tuh udah mulai ngga diinget sama anak-anak Indonesia. Taunya, Hari Valentine, Hari Jadian sama someone special, dan hari-hari lainnya. Dulu tuh ya, kayanya seminggu sebelum Hari Kartini dateng, Ibu-ibu udah ribet nyariin baju Kebaya buat anaknya, milihin Salon mana yang bagus - or prefer do it by herself = HEMAT, nyari KONDE, pokonya udah rame banget deh itu pasar. Tapi kok sekarang [gua rasa] kebiasaan itu tuh udah sedikit memudar. Ngga ngerti kenapa. Pasti setiap Hari Kartini dateng, kita tuh [pasti] selalu pakai baju Kebaya ke sekolah, terus di sekolah tuh udah ada panggung kecil buat peragaan busana gitu [hahahapasih, gaje banget gua]. Seru banget! Pokoknya, kerasa banget deh ngerayain Hari Kartini. Sampai-sampai ada om-om tukang foto yang suka asal jeprat-jepret anak-anak yang pada pake baju Kebaya terus langsung dicetak dan digelar gitu ngejualnya. Beuh. . ., kalau itu om-om dateng ke sekolah gua, apalagi disebelah gua ada Ibu gua, dan ada muka gua terpampang di gelarannya itu, PASTI gua langsung minta beliin fotonya deh. Abis gua fikir, itu muka-muka gua, ya kalau ngga diambilkan sayang. Kapan lagi gua punya foto dengan muka kaya begitu [?!]

                Yang gua harapin buat beberapa tahun ke depannya sih, semoga aja Hari-hari bersejarah tuh lebih sering diingat dan diapresiasikan dengan mengadakan berbagai acara yang mudah diminati oleh anak-anak Indonesia. Itu aja sih. Sekian dari saya, apabila ada kesalahan mohon dimaafkan. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb [??]