
January 29, 2011

Saturday is like usual

Friday, 28 Jan 2011

walah. . . ,
I'm speechless laaah
We had sudden physics subject test in the morning ---aaargh
I'm not study at all last night, but I kept 'Googeling' hehe
The test result came out afterward. Wondering I'll got 50 or 40 or 30 or 20 or 10 even 0 ---jinx!
It shouldn't happen to me yet alhamdulillah I passed this test. uaaa. . .~

oh ya!
today I spent the day with Rizki and Diana.
we went to Bogor Junction to ate Ramen at Daiji Ramen Stall.
Here's what i order :

I order Original Daiji Ramen 
The price is IDR 24.000

And here's our pics
( Rizky , Diana, and I )

Have a nice day (weekend)
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

January 25, 2011


Hari ini tuh gimana ya?!
(Dont know how to explain my feelings, because it a bit strange ---I thought)

Today when I practice 'Pencak Silat' with my group, I feel so tired.
The feelings to have unlimited water to drink is high laaa.
Honestly, today is an exhausting day-the bad day-the uncomfortable day I ever had since on my second year in Senior High School. I hate these 3 days recently : Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I hate the subjects which we studied though ---aaaargh!

Actually i had my homework done, yet i cant find a proper topics/ answers of the school's subjects. But I make myself busy with my Blog HAHAHA ---hyaaaah

DEADLINE for Tomorrow :
  • Biology subject : still looking for the materials/ topics
  • Music subject   : haven't find the melody and the chord
  • Citizenship subject : caricature
  • Indonesian subject : make a proposal
  • English subject : student worksheet

(kepala gue ngebul)

i got headache the whole day start from the first lesson begin.
but when the mathematics subject began, my headache suddenly disappear ---it's my second time experience a situation where my headache disappear in the middle of mathematics subject, such as maths and physics. waaaw, I can't believe it at once but it was happened twice. hehehe

eh, what should I do to my homework which piled up like a mountain?
emmm, I feel that I want to burned it all now. hahaha *stress level : 4 of 5

Have a nice day
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

January 16, 2011

Sunday ckck~

This Sunday is like a normal Sunday.
Nothing special happening, just like a flowing water.
I start to tidying up my room from 08.30 - 11.00 am.

Then I had an appointment on the afternoon -around 02.00 pm- with rizki and diana (again) at Botani Square Mall, Bogor. We met up to complete our school's homework and group project presentation ---actually the upcoming presentation is for rizki and diana which will happen on wednesday, then myself . . . will do the presentation on the next week. The presentation materials/ topics is for biology subject which circulating around disorders and diseases of respiratory system.
waaa. . . nervous, huh (?!)

Before we do our homework, school's assignmnt and head-up to Taman Koleksi (a garden which located in IPB Campus near the mall which had few seating area) , we bought a snack (?) at Breadtalk ---in case we feel hungry in the middle of our study.

I bought the 'Pay 1 for 2' promo which priced IDR 10.000.
Rizki bought Butter Sugar bread with the price IDR 6.000.
Diana bought Golden Rabbit & Bank of Chocolate with the price IDR 6.000 /each bread. 

We took some pictures at Taman Koleksi
(photos of rizki and i)

The weather is nice in the afternoon. So we didn't feel too HOT~

Have a nice days
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

January 12, 2011

New Semester, New Spirit

Today, my classmate is really funny.
They make a parody-drama in the class (also . . .in the middle of studies. The teacher is absent, so none guarding us). It hurts my stomach (a bit) and I want to had...(pee)...after laughing SOOO HAAAARD. HAHAHA

I really like this situation, because it makes us feel closer each other.
This month is a New Semester for us, so (i think) we must doing better to get a good score. I believe that my class will be better for this new semester.

Have a nice day ♥
and Thanks for visiting my Blog

January 07, 2011


Ngga tau kenapa, pas lagi (baru) buka salah satu game online, saya berfikir "udah SMA mau nerusin kemana?"
Hal yang saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu adalah menjadi seorang Arsitek (Amin Ya Rabbalallamin)
Ini tuh cita-cita saya yang bener-bener saya pengen capai agar bisa menjadi 'orang'.
Terus, saya nanya ke kakak saya (yang berada tepat didepan saya) : "Prefer Architect or Design Interior?"
Kakak saya ngejawab : "Kalau diliat dari enak apa ngganya itu pekerjaan, menurut gua mending Design Interior. Tapi, kalau bicara masalah penghasilan?! Mending jadi Arsitek lah~ Gua nyoba di ITB sama di UI ngga keterima. Mending jadi Arsitek sih de."
terus Ibu saya nambahin : "Ayo mbak...bisalah jadi Arsitek." (Amin Ya Allah)
saya cuma jawab : "Amin Ya Allah. Semoga hamba-Mu ini bisa menjadi seorang Arsitek." -> (dalem hati)

15minuets later...~

Saya nanya lagi ke kakak saya : "Nde, kalau tesnya itu kaya gimana?"
Kakak saya ngasih tau : "Tesnya? Ya kalau pake SPMB, ngga usah di tes-tes begituan lagi. tapi kalau ikutan tes, ya paling disuruh ngedesign gitu. Bisa ga lu?"
Saya diam sejenak dan berkata (dalem hati) : "Insya Allah bisa. Amin."

Tapi, yang jadi kendala adalah kalau saya ngga keterima di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri gimana?
Apa jadinya saya?
Haruskah saya menunda 1 tahun dulu?
atau Apa? Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
berdiam diri dikamar? (tidak membuahkan hasil)
Maka dari itu, saya sudah membulatkan tekad bahwa saya ngga akan putus asa untuk meraih gelar Arsitek itu. Amin

January 05, 2011

today's report

Hmmm. . .
Rain poured down from 11.00 am to 03.35 pm ---pretty long laa
(actually, I slept from 12.00 pm to 02.25pm)

( I took the pics around 03.00 pm and it's still raining )

Oh ya!
Kristal, Febby and I spent our day together at Botani Square and had yogurt as dessert at J.CO.
Here's the photo of the yogurt dessert looks like ---not the photo of us hahaha

( 5 minuets later )

ahahha (•˘.˘•)ʃ

Have a nice day...