
March 17, 2014

campus prototype

Evening everyone~
Astrid's here and back on this site again after 'vacuum' for a long-long-long time. Actually I don't know what kind of story that should be shared here, but since I learn about Interior Design at campus, perhaps I'll tell you about my campus life *I think it'll turn out a bit 'yawnful'. heeee

Kehidupan kampus ngga ada yang bahagia.
"Salah," kalau misalkan dulu kita pernah berfikiran bahwa kehidupan kampus tuh playful-less assignments-get to feel your freedom, hah! Bohong banget. Makanya, bener deh apa kata orang-orang yang suka pasang status : 

"Nikmatin aja masa-masa SMA kalian." 

Menurut saya (pribadi), itu kalimat bener bangeet. Dikala SMA, kita masih bisa ngerasain yang namanya hang-out tiap hari, ngga perlu mikir : "makan apa hari ini?!", up-date acara TV (sampai hafal jam tayang acara favorite), dan JAJAN! Ketika udah hampir genap 2 tahun merantau di 'Kota Kembang', hal-hal duniawi yang jarang banget dilakukan adalah jajan, watchin movies on cinema, dan ngelakuin semua yang bisa dilakukan ketika masa putih-abu itu.

"Kuliah design, kalau ngga begadang, belum ngerasain jadi anak design-nya."

Begadang merupakan kegiatan rutin anak design. Ditambah lagi, semester 4 kali ini, tiap hari (pula) masuk pagi. Ngga tanggung-tanggung juga, kampus nyuruh gue masuk jam 7 pagiiiiiiii! hellow~ it just too early to start the lecture in the morning~ gue berasa balik lagi jadi anak SMA. tapi tetep aja mata kuliahnya bikin kita merem-melek (antara masih ngantuk dan harus menerima realita kalau kita udah mulai kuliah jam 7). Semester pertama, ke kampus pakaiannya rapiiiiiih dan selalu in time. Semester kedua, ke kampus mulai sedikit tidak rapih dan selalu on time. Semester ketiga, ke kampus mulai ngga tau lagi mau pakai baju apa (beli baju baru aja kalau inget) dan dateng ke kelas lewat 5 menit dari jam masuk. Semester keempat, ke kampus pakai baju apa aja yang penting rapi dan sopan dan dateng ke kelas lewat 15 menit dari jam masuk (ditambah lagi, terkadang banyak warga kelas yang ngga mandi. karena saking paginya masuk kuliah).

tersangka yang bikin kita terjaga tiap malam #merencana
the suspect which make us suffered in every nights #homeplanning

Furniture Design 2 - Dining Chair
Theme: Animals
Dari sekian banyak kursi yang digambar hari itu, cuma beberapa kursi aja yang saya suka, dan dari sekian banyak itu juga, cuma 3 kursi yang sempet di-abadi-kan wujudnya #deer #swan #cat

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

#now playing: Let It Go cover by Alex Boyé
I think it's better than the original version *upss

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog~

March 15, 2014

the songs I listen nowadays

Since the end of 2012, I love to listen a cover songs besides the original songs.
The cover songs has their own persona and I just love to listen their voices instantly.
The first 'cover song' that I listened is Jayesslee.
This twin sisters has a wonderful voices. The first song that I searched on 'that-kind-of-tube' is officially missing you's song which sang by Tamia. wiiiih . . . . the reason why I browsed their name because I heard their voices in the bookstore for the first time and after the songs was finish to be played, I try to browse some covered songs and found them! *yeeeey~

le-ri : Sonia and Janice
to listen their voices on 'that-kind- of-tube' click here.
to visit their sites, click here.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

The second one, is Alex Goot.
I found his link on 'that-kind-of-tube' from 'other person's account'.
The first cover song that I listened is Counting Star by OneRepublic. The collaborations between him and his colleagues, it just nice to be listened. So that I'm kind of addicted to listen his covers/songs.

to listen his voice click here.
I like to listen everysingle of songs that covered by him.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

The third covered song that I like is sang by Sabrina Orial.
I mostly 'like' every single songs that covered by her. So  .  . beautiful! Awesome! Mostly, the California King Bed.  I found her covered songs is accidentally when I searched about Jayesslee. Hihihi.

to enjoy her voice, click here.
Actually, I don't have her official link or something, but still you can listen her voice through 'that-kind-of-tube'.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

The fourth is Clara C.
The first time I heard her voice is from dessert shop advertisement in Indonesia (click here to watch the advertisement). She has a 'modest' voice -I mean, even though her voice is a bit low, but it came out beautifully. The first song that I listened is Rhythm of Love.

here the link to connect you to 'that-kind-of-tube', enjoooy~

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog