
June 22, 2012

my grandfather . . .

Okay friends, these story about my grandfather who ever lost in his short-trip to one of famous provinces in Indonesia last week. Actually, he didn't plan it at all, but after arrived in Jepara to accompanied my 'another' grandfather to bury the 'another' grandfather's wife corpse, he were decided to visiting his hometown, Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta is a nice village-town in Indonesia.
The airs was really good for you in the morning till the sun sets.
That's why I love Yogyakarta *more than my own hometown. hehe

The day after he burried his-law's wife, he directly went to Yogyakarta using public transportation alone. His ages was 82 years old this year but he loves to go every where by himself. That's my grandfather.

Firstly, the whole family had lost contact with him.
And the next day, my 'big' families possible to contact him after 2days and 1night we lost him. He didn't told my 'big' families about his planning to Yogyakarta. After he arrives in Yogyakarta, he called us and asked us what kind of souvenir that we wanted. And I replied : "Monggo Chocolate !"
Monggo Chocolate is the finest local chocolate in Indonesia. Hmm~
Their dark chocolate bar is the best chocolate ever . . . ! *for me

Here the souvenir which he bought for me :

Tada! Caramel Chocolate bar~

 And it was the last. A small dozen of small pieces of chocolate bar.

 Here the things which filled deep inside the box.

 Petruk - Gareng - Bagong - Semar were the character that they used for the cover of their packaging. It was the name of Wayang character in Indonesia.

Then the shocking new came when he want to return to Bogor.
The whole family thought that he was using bus or travel agency but . . he was using airplane. So that we couldn't contact him again when he was in the airplane. aaaaah~
It made the whole family was really worried with him when he walks alone outside.
But he returned home safely~

Have a nice day !
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

June 13, 2012

setelahnya. . .

SNMPTN Tertulis .  .  .
banyak kecerobohan yang gua lakukan dalam mengisi jawaban di Lembar Jawaban.
hal yang gua lakukan untuk kedepannya hanyalah berdo'a berharap Allah SWT memberikan pilihan yang terbaik untuk gua kedepannya. Jadi, sepertinya, apapun hasilnya nanti, ya gua harus berlapang dada. Ya, toh?!

Mungkin kesedihan, kecerobohan, serta kesalahan yang terjadi selama SNMPTN Tertulis ini akibat dari kesenangan yang baru aja gua alami beberapa hari yang lalu. Apakah itu .  .?!

Sepatu?? Pasti pada mikir kenapa, ya.
Jadi, begini ceritanya. Pertama kali gua melihat sepatu ini, gua lagi butuh banget pengganti sepatu cats gua yang udah lusuh. Langsung suka (banget) waktu pertama kali ngeliat. Kenapa? Jelaslah mengapa. Karena akhir-akhir ini, gua suka banget sama segala hal yang berbau VINTAGE. Vintage is awesome, chic, and lovable.
The Brand is Amanda Jane's by BE-BOB.
The Price is IDR 179.000

Udah nyari ke sana kemari, ngga ada nomor gede. Adanya tinggal nomor 36/ 37. Bo? Kaki gua mana muat. Eh, terus ngga sengaja deh pas lagi main ke SKI (Tajur Fashion Center) ngga sengaja banget gua ngeliat sepatu ini (lagi) dan langsung nanya ada ukuran 39/40 ngga, dan ternyata ada . . wah, lucky banget gua hari itu. Setelah hari itu berlalu, keberuntungan gua langsung lenyap *serasa di dunia dongeng deh. Dan . . kejadian tidak mengenakkan selama SNMPTN Tertulis pun terus berlanjut.

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir SNMPTN, tapi kabut kelam dalam diri gua masih aja belum bisa hilang. Masih aja terus dibayangi oleh-nya. Dan sebelum SNMPTN Tertulis terlaksana, gua masih sempet gambar sesuatu yang sebenernya untuk memotivasi gua juga sih. Tapi  . . *liat sendiri aja deh

Firstly it was like a motivation, but now it still be a motivation for me *for the future.
(for better picture, i'll post it later -don't know when)

And also, I drew something before the day ended. It was my last picture that I drawn.
For your information, I'm draw it in the early morning when rains fell lightly.
Dan . . kalian sadar ngga sih, kalau akhir-akhir ini tuh di Kota Bogor (khususnya) sering banget di selimuti kabut meski sudah jam 12pm? Haaaah~ dingin looh. . . *ngga ada hubungannya ko

Have a nice day !
And Thanks for visiting my Blog

June 04, 2012

today bad day

Hei hei !
Tau ngga sih?! Hari ini gua bosen banget tau!
Bener deh! Gua aja, ngerjain TO terakhir ini di NF rasanya sedih, murung, pusing, dan nervous abis! Padahal gua berharap kalau TO terakhir ini soalnya makin gampang! Taunya??? Eweuh wee~ Susyah sekaliii . . pengen nangis. Terus gua ngebayaingin, "Gimana nanti pas SNMPTN beneran?! Susah banget kali ya?! Kalau gua ngga keterima, gimana? Mmmmm . . . . gimana dong??" (╥﹏╥)

Hari ini juga, gua nonton film Snow White and The Huntsman.
Hehehe. Ceritanya . . . 
No comment deh. Menurut gua mah, kurang. Kurang menyeramkan.

Snow White and The Huntsman 2D
I watched it at Botani XXI (one of the famous cinemas in Bogor, Indonesia). Botani XXI is under the same roof with Cinema XXI. What I mean is . . Cinema XXI is like a mother from another (bla . . bla . .) XXI, such as Botani XXI. The price of today's ticket is IDR 30.000

Berhubung temen gua mau perpisahan dan dia butuh inspirasi untuk kerudung, maka gua meng-upload satu foto perpisahan sekolah gua yang berikut ini :

Kok foto gua terasa ngeblur ya?! Hehhe, biar deh~
left - right : Me - Sari - Rizki

Have a nice day!
And Thanks for visiting my Blog